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2022 Recap!

Posted on Sat Jan 14th, 2023 @ 4:00am by Captain Akeno Misaki
Edited on Sat Jun 24th, 2023 @ 3:05pm

Captains Message

To all crew of the Wayfarer! 2022 was our best year yet! Not only have we cracked out some amazing writing and stories, but I am proud to see that we have won at least ONE award each month! We won 20 in total throughout 2022!

Every single month we have been in the fleet news, winning fleet awards that you have all earned and deserved! I am truly pleased to be your Captain!

I started 2022 stating that I wanted to try and turn the Wayfarer into IDF's best sim. However, after seeing us constantly winning awards and gaining recognition from other CO's and the admirilaty, I can honestly say that I have gone beyond that goal. We have made the Wayfarer stand out, not just as a sim but as a community and family!

Well done to each and every one of you on a Fantastic Year! Lets make 2023 another great year!

Awards Recap

We won 20 awards throughout 2023, here they all are, listed in order. Congratulations on everyone who helped us win! You've earned it!


Best Post (Joint Post) for 'Junior Emerges' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Lieutenant Ileah, Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie & Lieutenant JG Torvin Anor

Most Improved, awarded to Lieutenant JG Torvin Anor


MVP awarded to Lieutenant Rania Bhatti.


MVP awarded to Lieutenant Raelyn McKenzie.


Best Post (Joint Post) for 'Going down' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Miller, Lieutenant Ileah, Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie, Lieutenant JG Torvin Anor, Lieutenant Rania Bhatti, Lieutenant Mark Johnson & Ensign Magnum Rhodes


MVP awarded to Lieutenant JG Patra Rommel.


MVP awarded to Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok.


Best Post (Joint Post) for 'Thank You' by Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson

Genesis Award for 'The Ballad of Johnathan Miller' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Miller


Best Post (Single Author) for 'Counting flotsam and jetsam' by Lieutenant Torvin Anor.

MVP awarded to Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok.


Best Post (Single Author) for 'Meeting the Neurosurgeon ' by Lieutenant Patra Rommel.

Genesis Award for 'The First Morning' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Commander Mashiro Munetani & Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie& Lieutenant Mark Johnson& Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok


Best Post (Single Author) for 'Scoring a date with Doctor Holliday ' by Lieutenant Patra Rommel.

Best Post (Joint post) for 'Day One – Beach Games! (Part 1)' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Commander Mashiro Munetani & Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie& Lieutenant Mark Johnson& Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lieutenant Ileah.


Funniest Post for 'Day One - Beach Games! (Part 2)' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Commander Mashiro Munetani & Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie& Lieutenant Mark Johnson& Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lieutenant Ileah.

Genesis Award for 'Dinner Date' by Captain Akeno Misaki.

Recruitment Award given to Lieutenant Avery Coyle.


Genesis Post for 'Somethings afoot (Part 1)' by Captain Akeno Misaki & Commander Mashiro Munetani & Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell &Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie& Lieutenant Mark Johnson& Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
Lieutenant Sidney Harper * Lieutenant Avery Coyle & Lieutenant Ileah.

Most Improved, awarded to Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie


There are a few members of the crew who have shown fantastic progress, participation and activity throughout the year of 2022. Therefore I will be announcing promotions of those here.

I hereby promote Lieutenant Raelyn McKenzie from the rank of Lieutenant, to that of Lieutenant Commander! Lieutenant Commander McKenzie has been an active and reliable player here on the Wayfarer, jumped in and helped where they can and the ship would not be the same without them! Congratulations!


I hereby promote Lieutenant Mark Johnson from the rank of Lieutenant, to that of Lieutenant Commander! Mark our wonderful Chief Medical Officer is a pleasure to write with and has become not only a guide to the crew in character, but also a valued member of the crew! Congratulations!


Lastly, I hereby promote
Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok from the ranbk of Lieutenant Junior Grade, to the rank of Full Lieutenant! Luna, you have grown as a writer, person and as a member of this crew since day one. Your name is more often than not on the awards list, and you have become a irreplacable member of the Wayfarer family! Congratulations!


In Character these promotions will come into play once the crew return from Risa and the Wayfarer heads back into space. You will be promoted in Character by Captain Misaki.

End Statement

I am proud of each and every one of you! We have achieved so much through 2022! I can sit here and rant on all day how much I love this ship and crew, and how you've helped me through some dark times. But for now, all I ask is that we remember what we've achieved and see if we can break it this year! Lets really show everyone that we are the finest crew in Starfleet!

Lets hit 2023 with a great start!

Captain Akeno Misaki


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