Welcome onboard the USS Wayfarer!
It's 2376, one year after the Dominion War. Now Starfleet can get back to what it was originally formed to do Exploration.
With the loss of many ships and officers in one of the bloodiest wars that the United Federation of Planets had ever seen, many younger officers find themselves advancing through the ranks quicker than expected. One such officer, Akeno Misaki didn't expect to be taking on the rank of Captain at her age. The rookie Captain, now in command of the USS Wayfarer is looking forward to finally getting back to exploring the depths of space.
Step off the transporter pad, or walk down the ramp of your shuttle and you prepare to engage on a unique Star Trek RPG experience, one filled with advanture, mystery and even we don't know whats around the next nebula! These are the voyager of the Starship Wayfarer!
The USS Wayfarer is a PG-13 Star Trek Simulation. This means you have to be over the age of 13 to join this roleplaying game.
Fleet Awards, 2024
Best Post (Joint Authors) awarded for 'Robbed Blind' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Commander Mashiro Munetani, Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie, Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson, Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok, Lieutenant Vrax tr'Keirianh & Lieutenant Ileah.
Most Improved, awarded to Lieutenant Ileah
Genesis Award for 'Revisiting The Past' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Commander Mashiro Munetani, Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie, Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson, Lieutenant Ileah, Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok, Lieutenant Rania Bhatti & Lieutenant Patra Rommel.
Genesis Award for 'Calling for Backup' by Captain Akeno Misaki & Commander Mashiro Munetani.
MVP Award. Awarded to Lieutenant Patra Rommel.
Best Post (Joint Authors) awarded for 'Aggressive Negotiations' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Commander Mashiro Munetani & Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie
Community Awards
Outstanding Star Trek | Great Star Trek | simmingprize.org | Great Star Trek |
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The USS Wayfarer is a proud member of Independence Fleet
"Star Trek" is Current Copyright Paramount Studios and original Copyright Desilu Studios. This website in no way supposed, imposes, or insists to be canonical or to infringe on any Copyright. This website is not affiliated nor insists affiliation with any Copyright holder of "Star Trek". The USS Poseidon is a Nova-Based Simulator and a work of fan-fiction and love. A product without cost birthed to freely support the community of Writers, Trekkers, and Trekkies everywhere as they express their adoration and appreciation for the "Star Trek" universe.
Latest News Items
» Awards!
Posted on Sun Mar 17th, 2024 @ 5:42pm by Captain Akeno Misaki in Sim Announcement
To all crew!
USS Wayfarer has won a couple of awards this month!
First of, congratulations to you all for a Fantastic opening post to our newest mission. It has earnt us recognition in the form of the Genesis award!
Genesis Award for 'Revisiting The Past' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Commander Mashiro Munetani, Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie, Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson, Lieutenant Ileah, Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok, Lieutenant Rania Bhatti & Lieutenant Patra Rommel.
Well done to you all!
Here on the Wayfarer we're no stranger to winning fleet awards. However, we have also won a community award for the year 2022! (There was a slight delay due to some judges facing real life delays).
Congratulations tom you all for helping us win in the 2022 Tournament of Sims. We have won an award for 'Great Star Trek'. Out of 88 sims that entered, we were one of 36 which won an award!
Here are the comments made on the Wayfarer who judged part of our mission Arista.
Judge 1:
'I love this story line. It’s disturbing and cunningly crafted. Bravo!
The only critique I can find is to differentiate between quotes and thoughts, perhaps using italics for thoughts. Several times I read what I thought was dialog and thought boy that’s a weird thing to say only to read on and find it was a thought. Other than that, though, great job!'
Judge 2:
'Overall the storyline was well written. The battle for the colony was chaotic but interesting to read. The summary of part 1 at the beginning of part 2 of the battle was appreciated. I swear I heard it in Majel Barrett's voice. The first post, "Developing a plan" was difficult to read. I understand the need for character introductions for the meeting. Really could use more description than just dialogue in posts. I also would have liked to know how the ship got into the situation of needing to defend the colony. It wasn't clear.'
Judge 3:
'Pros: The plot moves at a fair pace and the characters interact a lot to solve the problems presented.
Cons: Although the players seem to enjoy their characters, it's difficult to really connect with most of the crew as an outside reader.'
As your Captain I can't express how proud of all of you I am! I am beaming with pride! I want to thank you all for how you've made the Wayfarer such a safe and fun place to write, play and be!
Lets continue our mission to explore strange new worlds, develop new bonds, find new life and show the world what we can do!
Captain Akeno Misaki
» 2024!
Posted on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 2:17pm by Captain Akeno Misaki in General News
I know its a bit late... But welcome to 2024!
Sorry I've been rather busy with real life these last few weeks, it always happens this time of year. But, now lets really push forward and get back into writing again!
We're nearly done with our current mission 'Cracks in the Mirror'. I am hoping to have everything wrapped up for the end of January. Then we can move onto our next mission which I have planned for us! I am going to be opening up the next mission 'Return to Tyra' on February 1st.
Return to Tyra
Mission Description:
Its been over a year since the Dominion War ended. The Cardassian Union faced its biggest defeat in its history at the hands of the Federation, Klingon and Romulans.
The Wayfarer is dispatched to the Tyra system, where 98 out of 112 Starships belonging to the 7th Fleet were destroyed. Captain Misaki is given the task of inspecting the wreckage of the battle, retrieve any salvageable technology and retrieve any remains of the officers who were killed in action.
However, the Wayfarer crew doesn't realise that there are Jem'hadar survivors that have been stranded and don't realise that the war is over!
A big thankyou for all your patience and willingness of carrying on! Lets show the fleet just how good we are! Like always I intend for us to be the best ship in the whole of Indepence Fleet!
Captain Akeno Misaki
» Christmas Side Mission!
Posted on Fri Dec 15th, 2023 @ 10:13pm by Captain Akeno Misaki in General News
To All Crew!
I have made a side-mission called "Christmas!". It shall be open from now until the end of the first week in January. This side mission allows us to do some festive posts and writing. Participation in this mission is voluntary!
Mission Rules
- All Posts in Christmas are to be Christmas of New Years themed or character development around the Festive time of year.
- All Posts are out of timeline. They can be set anywhere and anytime you wish.
- Posting is voluntary!
- Its all for a little bit of fun!
I'm going to start us off soon with a good old on-board Christmas party! Lets have some festive fun together and enjoy the season.
Have fun people!
Captain Akeno Misaki
» IDF 22nd Anniversary!
Posted on Tue Jul 4th, 2023 @ 11:51pm by Captain Akeno Misaki in General News
So, today is the 22nd Anniversary of Independence Fleet, our little home away from home!
This year we as CO's were asked to produce a 'Movie Poster' for a little bit of a fun contest. I decided to make a poster for our current mission 'Cracks in the Mirror' and I enjoyed making it!
Well, it seems as if we won 1st place! Another win for the Wayfarer!
Here's the poster and the comments the judges made:
“I’m impressed by the technical skill and originality that went into this poster.”
“If you’re familiar with Anime movie posters, this is spot on.”
“Having anime Trek characters in the mirror universe with the crack showing the Federation and Terran emblems on different sides was brilliant.”
As much as I am overjoyed we got yet more recognition for our little ship, the important thing is that IDF has now been operating 22 years! So Happy Birthday IDF! Everyone have a slice of cake and wear a party hat!
You can see all the other movie posters, runner ups and comments here:
Now, lets get cracking on with this mission! I'm looking forward to see what we can do with our Mirror Selves!
Congratulations Wayfarer and Happy Birthday Independence Fleet!
Captain Akeno Misaki
» 2022 Recap!
Posted on Sat Jan 14th, 2023 @ 4:00am by Captain Akeno Misaki in Sim Announcement
Captains Message
To all crew of the Wayfarer! 2022 was our best year yet! Not only have we cracked out some amazing writing and stories, but I am proud to see that we have won at least ONE award each month! We won 20 in total throughout 2022!
Every single month we have been in the fleet news, winning fleet awards that you have all earned and deserved! I am truly pleased to be your Captain!
I started 2022 stating that I wanted to try and turn the Wayfarer into IDF's best sim. However, after seeing us constantly winning awards and gaining recognition from other CO's and the admirilaty, I can honestly say that I have gone beyond that goal. We have made the Wayfarer stand out, not just as a sim but as a community and family!
Well done to each and every one of you on a Fantastic Year! Lets make 2023 another great year!
Awards Recap
We won 20 awards throughout 2023, here they all are, listed in order. Congratulations on everyone who helped us win! You've earned it!
Best Post (Joint Post) for 'Junior Emerges' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Lieutenant Ileah, Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie & Lieutenant JG Torvin Anor
Most Improved, awarded to Lieutenant JG Torvin Anor
MVP awarded to Lieutenant Rania Bhatti.
MVP awarded to Lieutenant Raelyn McKenzie.
Best Post (Joint Post) for 'Going down' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Miller, Lieutenant Ileah, Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie, Lieutenant JG Torvin Anor, Lieutenant Rania Bhatti, Lieutenant Mark Johnson & Ensign Magnum Rhodes
MVP awarded to Lieutenant JG Patra Rommel.
MVP awarded to Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok.
Best Post (Joint Post) for 'Thank You' by Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson
Genesis Award for 'The Ballad of Johnathan Miller' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Miller
Best Post (Single Author) for 'Counting flotsam and jetsam' by Lieutenant Torvin Anor.
MVP awarded to Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok.
Best Post (Single Author) for 'Meeting the Neurosurgeon ' by Lieutenant Patra Rommel.
Genesis Award for 'The First Morning' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Commander Mashiro Munetani & Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie& Lieutenant Mark Johnson& Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
Best Post (Single Author) for 'Scoring a date with Doctor Holliday ' by Lieutenant Patra Rommel.
Best Post (Joint post) for 'Day One – Beach Games! (Part 1)' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Commander Mashiro Munetani & Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie& Lieutenant Mark Johnson& Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lieutenant Ileah.
Funniest Post for 'Day One - Beach Games! (Part 2)' by Captain Akeno Misaki, Commander Mashiro Munetani & Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie& Lieutenant Mark Johnson& Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lieutenant Ileah.
Genesis Award for 'Dinner Date' by Captain Akeno Misaki.
Recruitment Award given to Lieutenant Avery Coyle.
Genesis Post for 'Somethings afoot (Part 1)' by Captain Akeno Misaki & Commander Mashiro Munetani & Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell &Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie& Lieutenant Mark Johnson& Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
Lieutenant Sidney Harper * Lieutenant Avery Coyle & Lieutenant Ileah.
Most Improved, awarded to Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie
There are a few members of the crew who have shown fantastic progress, participation and activity throughout the year of 2022. Therefore I will be announcing promotions of those here.
I hereby promote Lieutenant Raelyn McKenzie from the rank of Lieutenant, to that of Lieutenant Commander! Lieutenant Commander McKenzie has been an active and reliable player here on the Wayfarer, jumped in and helped where they can and the ship would not be the same without them! Congratulations!
I hereby promote Lieutenant Mark Johnson from the rank of Lieutenant, to that of Lieutenant Commander! Mark our wonderful Chief Medical Officer is a pleasure to write with and has become not only a guide to the crew in character, but also a valued member of the crew! Congratulations!
Lastly, I hereby promote Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok from the ranbk of Lieutenant Junior Grade, to the rank of Full Lieutenant! Luna, you have grown as a writer, person and as a member of this crew since day one. Your name is more often than not on the awards list, and you have become a irreplacable member of the Wayfarer family! Congratulations!
In Character these promotions will come into play once the crew return from Risa and the Wayfarer heads back into space. You will be promoted in Character by Captain Misaki.
End Statement
I am proud of each and every one of you! We have achieved so much through 2022! I can sit here and rant on all day how much I love this ship and crew, and how you've helped me through some dark times. But for now, all I ask is that we remember what we've achieved and see if we can break it this year! Lets really show everyone that we are the finest crew in Starfleet!
Lets hit 2023 with a great start!
Captain Akeno Misaki
Latest Mission Posts
» Fungi, Formulas, and Festivities
Mission: Return to Tyra
Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2024 @ 1:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson
[Deck 5 - Main Corridor]
“That’s exactly the point, Molly” the doctor agreed with the head nurse that was walking alongside him through the corridor that took them to the sickbay of the USS Wayfarer.
At the entrance of the sickbay, a security officer’s detail stood guarding the doors.
» Change of Plans
Mission: Return to Tyra
Posted on Fri Aug 16th, 2024 @ 6:32pm by Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant JG Runa Suruga & Commander Mashiro Munetani "Shiro" & Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie & Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson & Lieutenant Ileah & Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lieutenant Justin Specter
The doors of the ready room swished open and out walked a tired looking Akeno. She looked over to Luna who had been on watch and in command of the bridge. "Luna," she said. "Take the helm, get us out of the wrecks and put us in a safer position."…
» Singing!
Mission: Return to Tyra
Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 11:21pm by Captain Akeno Misaki & Commander Mashiro Munetani "Shiro" & Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie & Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson & Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lieutenant Ileah & Lieutenant JG Patra Rommel
There was a new 'tradition' that Captain Misaki had 'accidently on purpose' started on the Wayfarer. Today was Tuesday, and for the last couple of weeks every Tuesday had been deemed 'Karaoke Night' in the Mess Hall on Deck Two. Akeno had come up with the idea to boost morale…
» Aggressive Negotiations
Mission: Return to Tyra
Posted on Fri Jul 5th, 2024 @ 12:14am by Captain Akeno Misaki & Commander Mashiro Munetani "Shiro" & Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie
No sooner were they beamed into Akeno's ready room that the First almost immediately started going to work on the containment field, relentlessly hacking away at it with his Shock Blade as if his life depended on it. Not that it wasn't to be expected, given that Jem'Hadar were pretty…
» Surrender- And Not By Choice!
Mission: Return to Tyra
Posted on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 8:23pm by Captain Akeno Misaki & Commander Mashiro Munetani "Shiro" & Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie
Raelyn walked hastily and with purpose, with her phaser rifle in her hands. Behind her was two dozen security and tactical officers, with practically the same armament, who were walking at the same exact pace, upon approach to the room, Raelyn looked to the two officers to her left and…
Latest Personal Logs
» Letter to Opa and Schwesterlein
Posted on Mon Sep 12th, 2022 @ 3:02am by Lieutenant JG Patra Rommel
Having been confined to the medical bay of Starbase 12, Patra figured she had best write a message to Opa and Schwesterlein to let them know she was fine. They were both on her notification list should she become injured or deceased in the line of duty.
Dear Opa and…
» The IN BETWEEN Part Two
Posted on Wed Aug 3rd, 2022 @ 5:56pm by Lieutenant JG Patra Rommel
Patra was sleeping on the log bench and having such wonderful dreams when she heard a sound “Tsk, tsk. Ist es das, was Sie in den schicken Schulen gelernt haben, die Sie besucht haben? Steh auf, Kind, das ist das ZWISCHENDURCH und du musst dich entscheiden, entweder zu leben oder…
Posted on Mon Aug 1st, 2022 @ 6:57pm by Lieutenant JG Patra Rommel
Patra woke with a start to the sounds of birds chirping. She sat up and looked around, she was on an old bench made of logs and wearing her dress whites. As she slowly got her bearings she realized that the bench was in the middle of a meadow surrounded…
» Reporting
Posted on Sat Oct 2nd, 2021 @ 7:17pm by Lieutenant JG Michael Lorca
Computer start recording.....
Personal Log, Lt. (J.G.) Michael Lorca reporting.
After what seemed like a long journey on one ship to another, I have finally reached the USS Wayfarer. My quarters are excellent, and I am getting settled. Tomorrow I officially report for duty. I will need to review the…
» Anor's Model Log: Intrepid
Posted on Tue Aug 24th, 2021 @ 12:42am by Lieutenant Torvin Anor
Okay, Personal log on! Time to log some personal...things.
Oh what am I doing? This isn't what I do. I work on phase coils not spout my personal feelings on an omnipresent tape player to mark for history.
But considering I'm on a ship now...a lot could happen out here.…