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Posted on Sun Jan 28th, 2024 @ 2:17pm by Captain Akeno Misaki

I know its a bit late... But welcome to 2024!

Sorry I've been rather busy with real life these last few weeks, it always happens this time of year. But, now lets really push forward and get back into writing again!

We're nearly done with our current mission 'Cracks in the Mirror'. I am hoping to have everything wrapped up for the end of January. Then we can move onto our next mission which I have planned for us! I am going to be opening up the next mission 'Return to Tyra' on February 1st.

Return to Tyra

Mission Description:

Its been over a year since the Dominion War ended. The Cardassian Union faced its biggest defeat in its history at the hands of the Federation, Klingon and Romulans.

The Wayfarer is dispatched to the Tyra system, where 98 out of 112 Starships belonging to the 7th Fleet were destroyed. Captain Misaki is given the task of inspecting the wreckage of the battle, retrieve any salvageable technology and retrieve any remains of the officers who were killed in action.

However, the Wayfarer crew doesn't realise that there are Jem'hadar survivors that have been stranded and don't realise that the war is over!

A big thankyou for all your patience and willingness of carrying on! Lets show the fleet just how good we are! Like always I intend for us to be the best ship in the whole of Indepence Fleet!


Captain Akeno Misaki


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