
Lets Talk About Triangles.

Posted on Sun Feb 16th, 2025 @ 8:23pm by Commander Mashiro Munetani "Shiro" & Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie & Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson & Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok

Mission: The Games
Location: Conference Room
Timeline: September 6, 2376, 0848 hours

Now that the ship was en route to the region of space known as 'The Triangle', a briefing had been scheduled for the senior staff. With the ship travelling at a steady warp six, it would take a couple of days for them to reach this area. In the meantime Akeno had been in her ready room going through all the details with Starfleet Command.

The conference room was empty just as the ships chronometers ticked over to 08:48, two minutes before the meeting was about to start.

Perhaps not surprisingly, Commander Munetani was amongst the first of the Senior Staff to arrive. Of course, given that Akeno and her crew were now being handed assignments that would more traditionally handled by Captains of a more qualified discipline, there were some lofty expectations to fulfill. No doubt at the forefront of her XO's thoughts was in ensuring that this assignment went off perfectly, without a hitch- no goofing off, no cowboy diplomacy. The bottom line of this assignment would hinge around the establishment of amicable trade relations with the Lolrunians, and to that end she was determined to follow protocol to an absolute T.

Luna raked her hands through her hair, then ran them down her uniform, before entering the Conference Room.

"Commander," Luna inclined her head towards Mashiro, a ripple of excitement zipping through her.

As Luna settled into her seat, the soft hiss of the doors sliding open announced the arrival of Dr. Johnson.

Mark entered the briefing room with his usual calm pace, his unshaved face appeared well rested and a hint of curiosity on the new assignment was clearly visible.

"Good morning, Commander, Lieutenant," Mark greeted everyone while hovering towards his usual seat in the far side of the room, from which he could oversee the entire briefing room perfectly.

Luna felt the tension in the room, and it was twisting her insides.

[Get ahold of yourself, Luna! You're a WARRIOR for Kahless's sake!] Luna took a deep breath.

Raelyn entered the conference room for the staff meeting with time to spare. She took her usual spot across from Shiro. "Morning" she said to everyone currently assembled, before setting down her usual reports as well as a cup of replicated coffee.

Eventually the doors of the conference room opened and a very tardy Akeno rushed in. She carried a PADD and she made her way towards the head of the table. "Sorry for being late, I was just going over the finer details with Starfleet."

She tapped on her PADD. "So, Starfleet is interested in securing mining rights on several of the asteroids that the Lolrunians have in their system." Akeno started. "These asteroids are rich in high quality and high yield dilithium. Starfleet want us to secure those mining rights."

"Shouldn't be all that difficult," Mashiro observed. "Insofar as these initial reports from the Cannon are concerned, the only thing the Lolrunians have specifically requested of us is in lending our assistance in the colonization of a nearby star system; we basically get them settled, cross some t's, dot some i's, and we're good to go."

Raelyn raised an eyebrow. "What are we looking at tactically and in terms of security?"

"Well, the triangle is a dangerous disputed part of space." Akeno replied. "So keep a close eye out for anything that might be a threat. Other than that, it's just basic security for our guests."

"As it stands right now, our biggest threat that we would have to contend with is the Orion Syndicate," Mashiro added. "And given that we should still technically be allies with the Klingon and Romulan Empires... I don't reckon that the Orions would want to risk going up against all three powers at once."

Luna's ear twitched. The Orion Syndicate was a force to be recond with...not that she was scared, but yeah, they were a mean bunch!

"The alliance between us, The Klingons and The Romulans is... delicate at best." Akeno said. "Yeah, we all pulled together against The Dominion, but it took heavy tolls on all of us."

Mark listened carefully in a respectful silence.

"Anyways, we're going to be attempting to open up trade negotiations with the Lolrunians as I said before," Akeno stated. "We have about four days to prepare until we rea h their home system." She looked around at them all. "I think we need to show them our hospitality, how open we are to them, how nice of a people we are."

"Um, Captain? I'm not sure how they'd take to a halfling like me," Luna piped up, slightly concerned.

Akeno looked over at Luna. "Why would that be something they'd be concerned about?" Akeno asked. "You're still part of this crew, this family so it shouldn't matter." She gave Luna a reassuring look before turning back to the table.

"I guess not. Thank you, Captain," Luna smiled, reassured of her place with the crew...her family.

"Once we arrive, myself and Shiro-chan will beam down. We'll take a couple of security officers, but keep the landing party light and casual." Akeno suggested. "We can then invite them up to the Wayfarer for a bit of a welcoming..." she drummed her fingers on the table as she pondered. "Perhaps some sort of dinner party? Negotiations are always better with a full tummy!"

"In that case, it may behoove us to beam down with a Medical Officer or two, assess their dietary needs before we start preparing food for them?" Mashiro suggested.

The CMO nodded in acknowledgement. "I have one or two I can definitely spare and that whould be happy to stretch a bit on a planet" he concurred smiling while he took a brief note on his PaDD.

"Captain, I know this may be a diplomatic focused mission, but is it wise to have both of you on the ground?" Raelyn asked, hoping she didn't sound like she was being insubordinate.

"It's not that dangerous. These are a peaceful people." Akeno said giving Raelyn a smile. "Plus, we want our best foot forward on this one."

"That being said, Captain, we do still have the Orion Syndicate to contend with in this neck of the woods," Mashiro argued in Raelynn's defense. "Granted, the threat that they pose is greatly mitigated thanks to our alliance with the Klingons and the Romulans, but given that this is an uncharted nebula in a previously-contested region of space, it may behoove us not to lay ourselves open for an ambush."

"We'll keep our eyes peeled. Plus..." she tapped on the edge of her PADD with her index finger. "Starfleet have asked me to oversee these trade talks. I can't let them down, I need to show them that I'm a good Captain!" She stated. With that she jumped up out of her chair and to her feet.

"Right then!" She announced enthusiastically. "Let's get that Dilithium! Throw the Lolrunians a fantastic party, make friends and avoid all the pirates! All in a day as part of Starfleet. How about we get started?" That was Akenos unique and quirky way of setting her crew on task, something which by now they should all be accustomed to.

Mark stood up nodding and gathering his PaDD. "I'll get the medical personnel to meet you in the transporter room" he assured before greeting the presents and leaving the room.

Mashiro glanced over at Raelynn with a look of skepticism. "Why am I suddenly having second thoughts about this?" she whispered.

"You're not the only one" Raelyn returned quietly.

[This is gonna be interesting] Luna smiled to herself, a feeling of nervesitousness creeping up her spine.

Posting by:

Captain Akeno Misaki
Commanding Officer
USS Wayfarer

Commander Mashiro Munetani
Executive Officer
USS Wayfarer

Lt. Cmdr. Raelyn Mckenzie
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Wayfarer

Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson
Chief Medical Officer
USS Wayfarer

Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Wayfarer


