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It's just a little Rain not a monsoon

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2025 @ 10:32pm by Lieutenant JG Rain Lexington

Mission: The Games
Location: Uss Enfield and Uss Wayfarer
Tags: Captain Akeno Misaki

=Locataion Uss Enfield=

"When were you going to tell me that you were leaving?" The annoyed voice of Ensign Carter filled the room. The human watched her Betazoid friend buzz about her quarters gathering her things and neatly placing them in a duffle bag that looked like it was at least a few centuries old.

"Laura I'm sorry, I just got told myself. I was told to get my Tosh'ka in gear and packed because we're playing catch up to the Wayfarer. Besides you have been wanting more responsibility, so here's your chance to show the Captain that you're a good pick for Chief." Rain gave a quick smile to her friend before grabbing a picture off of her dresser.

The picture was of her and her best friend Bell Janeway. Her smile faded to sadness. Her friend had not been seen for sometime after she went looking for her aunt. Rain had tried to convince Bell to be patience, but that wasn't exactly in her nature. She carefully placed the picture in her bag and zipped it up.

"Rain...I don't think I'm ready to be chief. You were supposed to teach me that trick with the bussard collectors and you never.."

"Laura", Rain cut her friend off and took her by the shoulders "you're going to be fine. Don't over think it." The bedazoid hugged her friend "I'll miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too...try to just be Rain hmm...and not a monsoon?"

Rain laughed and let Laura go "whatever do you mean?"

"Oh you know high temper, disobeying orders, doing it your way even when the Captain says no...oh and.."

"Ok ok I get it...and I only disobeyed orders once and was thanked for it afterwards" Rain replied smuggly.

Laura rolled her eyes " I swear you have a horseshoe up your toshka."

The Bedazoid laughed and slung her bag over her shoulder "Walk me to the transporter"?

"Of course."

=Locataion Uss Wayfarer=

Rain materialized on the transporter padd of the Wayfarer. The young ensign at the transporter controls gave a nod to Rain. "Welcome aboard the Wayfarer ma'am."

"Thank you ensign, " Rain replied and started to walk out of room when she picked up the ensign's stray thought.

~I could watch her walk away all day~ The ensign thought with a grin.

Rain rolled her eyes "I heard that ensign" she replied before leaving the transporter room. She chuckled when she sensed the ensign's embarrassment. "Boys" she chuckled to herself.

The Chief science officer knew she didn't have time to waste to get settled into her quarters. She set the picture on her bedside table and left her duffle bag on her bed. Checking out her reflection in the mirror she nodded with approval. "New ship new start, I got this," Rain smiled at her reflection and left her quarters.

The doors to the turbolift opened to the bridge and Rain stepped out. Seeing the Captain sitting in her chair the new chief science officer walked over to her and stood at attention.

"Lt.jg Rain Lexington reporting for duty."


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