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Akeno's Surprise!

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 11:42pm by Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant JG Runa Suruga & Lieutenant JG Hime Wazumi & Commander Mashiro Munetani "Shiro" & Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson & Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lieutenant Ileah

Mission: Return to Tyra
Location: Aft Observation Lounge, USS Wayfarer

[July 20th, 2376]


The USS Wayfarer continued to hold position in the Trya system. It had been only one day since they had 'rescued' the Jem'Hadar. Luckily so far they had been behaving, mainly due to the fact that the Ketracel White from Akeno had kept them in check.

However today was a different day for Captain Akeno Misaki. It was a day she didn't celebrate. Most people often celebrate their day of their birth, however to Akeno it was often a painful reminder that her parents were still classed as 'Missing in action' and after losing her grandparents in the attack on San Francisco, she no longer felt like she could celebrate it.

It was coming up to the end of her shift and she had spent the last hour or so on the bridge. She didn't need to be on the bridge, but it made a change of scenery from her ready room.

It might have just been her imagination, but she could have sworn that there was something that the crew were keeping from her. It was almost like they were whispering behind her back, planning something. Maybe it was just the tension on the ship, afterall six Jem'Hadar soldiers were going to cause fear and tension. Afterall everyone on the crew had lost someone in the War, and those scars had yet to heal.

[Captain's Quarters]

As soon as Akeno entered her quarters she was instantly grabbed Xander. He pulled her in close and kissed her passionately.
"What was that for?" Akeno asked.
"Can't I give you a happy birthday kiss?" Xander smirked. "You are my girlfriend after all."

Akeno blushed. "Thanks." She said as she kissed him back, enjoying the embrace between them. "I haven't celebrated my birthday in years, so it's nice to share it."

Xander looked down and smiled. "Well, later tonight we can do a bit more than just a kiss of you want?" He asked with a wink. Akeno blushed again, she was still getting uses to the intimacy between them especially when it came to 'bedroom activities'... or the shower, or the couch and even once in her ready room...

"Yeah. I'd like that." She replied.
"Good. Now, go put on something more casual. I think you deserve a birthday dinner!" He told her. "And we're going out. We've got plenty of time in these quarters later."

Akeno chuckled. "Well it's not like there's a fine dining restaurant aboard. So it's the same stuff."

"I know. But it's the experience that matters! I was thinking we could go and see what the aft observation lounge is like, on deck eleven." Xander replied.

She pondered for a moment. The aft lounge was mainly used as a mess facility, although it could also be used for functions. It was also considerably larger than the other main mess hall on deck two and had the addition of a bar.

"OK. We'll go there tonight." Akeno replied. "What should I wear?" She asked.

"Something I'll enjoy taking off of you later," Xander winked.

Akeno couldn't help but laugh. It was nice to laugh, it felt like ages since she had last done so. "Well in the case..."

[Aft Observation Lounge - Deck 11]

Ileah had seen to the adaptations Mr Xander had request; this being unofficial ranks do go out of the room; left outside the door in a manner of speaking. The buffet was brimmed for a gathering; the 'bar' was open and even had some 'Real Spirits' to add to the fun.

Ileah herself had worn a deep Purple; could be mistaken as Black in low light, halter style long dress with draping neckline and slit on the right to show leg should Ileah take longer strides or just cock her right hip for emphasis. The woven silver necklace caame dow to dangle the silver heart with small oppan in the center, a matching bracelete on the left wrist nad all topped off with aa small brim black fedora slightly cocked to the left.

Luna had left Eclipse to some studying, par her own request, and had changed into a wrap skirt of red, gold, and black before racing to the Lounge, excited for the nights events!

The Party was set awaiting her quests.

The new security officer, Ensign William Peters, entered the room and looked around. This was his first day on the ship having just transferred in. He was looking forward to the adventure.

Peters walked to the security office and checked the duty roster and saw that he was scheduled to guard the Jem Hadar. He checked out a phaser rifle and headed to the holding area and relived the guard on duty.

[Rear Lounge]

Akeno walked beside Xander, dressed in a short tank top that revealed her navel and a pair of shorts that showed off her legs. It was rather informal, but it was comfortable. She wasn't sure why Xander had insisted on eating out at the rear lounge tonight.

The doors opened and the lounge was in darkness. "Xander... Are you sure about this? It looks like the lights are offline." she said. She let out a sigh as she tapped her comm badge.

"Misaki to Rommel..." She said trying to get hold of her chief engineer.

"Something the matter, Captain?"

the two of them turned as Commander Munetani drew up to the lounge, a PADD in her hand.

Akeno pouted. "The lounge seems to have lost power..." She then looked the Exec up and down. "What are you doing here Shiro Chan?"

"Lieutenant Johnston and I are still trying to perfect the formula for Ketracel White," Mashiro explained. "I was meaning to speak with Lieutenant Wazumi about a possible variation of the formula that I found in an obscure corner of Starfleet's medical database, but she told me to meet her at the lounge- had some "important business" to tend to, in her words."

She stuck her head in the lounge. "Hello? Anyone here?"

The Chief Medical Officer of the Wayfarer calmly walked along the corridor that led to the Observation lounge. He changed into a new uniform but didn't have time to shave after long hours in the lab trying to synthetize the "White".
As he turned the corner to walk into the observation deck, he almost bumped into the other senior officers.

"Oh, did I miss an internal notice about a meeting here?" he asked saluting the captain and the XO.

"Just trying to figure out why we're not getting any power to the lounge," Mashiro muttered as she attempted to gain access to an auxiliary control panel near the door. "I take it Lieutenant Wazumi called you up here as well?"

"Y...yes" the doctor nodded to the XO "So far we haven't been lucky with the White but I guess we are closing in. Just need some more time" he poked in into the dark room trying to figure out if he could see anything in the pitch dark area.

The lights suddenly lit up, almost blinding the officers at the door way. "SURPRISE!" came a loud shout, followed by the sound of party poppers going off. Akeno, Mashiro, Mark and Xander were showered in confetti.

"What in the..." Mashiro muttered.

As the doctor got showered in confetti, he stopped playing dumb and turned towards the captain yelling "Happy Birthday!!!".

Akeno couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Was this your idea Shiro Chan?"

"Hardly," Mashiro shook her head. "Then again, I can't say the thought's ever crossed my mind to be throwing a random surprise party in the middle of a mass war grave..."

Akeno elbowed Mashiro in the side. "Lighten up." She said in a hushed voice. "One, its my birthday. Stop being such a downer. Plus, we need a distraction..."

Mashiro looked at her Captain with wide-eyed astonishment. "Wait, hold on; it's your birthday?"

"Yeah..." Akeno said blushing slightly. "But I don't know how anyone found out..."

"Wonderful," Mashiro grumbled. "My own Captain is younger than me... you know, I'm starting to take this shit personally..."

"Oh, she is younger than me too" he shrugged " and I don't mind" he said chuckling.

Smirking Akeno made her way into the party. She looked over her shoulder. "Come and join us then... old Lady..." She mocked sticking her tongue outn slightly.

Mashiro shook her head and sighed. "I'd honestly take "Shiro-Chan" over that nickname..."

"Happy Birthday Captain," Luna laughed as she tipped her glass to the Captain and Commander Munetani.

"No wine for me?" Mark seriously glanced over Luna already partying, then, similing, he moved towards the beverage's table and served himself.

Luna stuck her tongue out at the Doctor.

"It's a Dragon a la alcohol...yet," Luna chuckled warmly.

"Oh, given this whole situation" referring to Jem'hadars and such "I do need alcohol" said grinning.

Luna chuckled softly.

"Eventually I'm sure," Luna rolled her eyes good naturedly.

Mark poured a glass of Scotch then turned towards Akeno and rose the glass towards her.
"I think the party girl should make a speech" he smiled.

"Here here!" Luna also raised her glass to the idea.

Akeno laughed. She then held her glass up high as everyones attention began turned to focus on her. "I don't usually celebrate my birthday." she said to them all. "For me its... 'not what it used to be'." She paused for a moment. "But screw it, you've come this far. I might as well celebrate it with my family. Thankyou for the surprise, now lets have some fun!"

Luna smiled, downing her drink in one go.

Mashiro glanced over at Xander. "Please tell me she's not going to get piss drunk and dance naked on one of the tables," she whispered.

Xander chuckled. "Nah. But she is a lightweight. As for the whole 'naked part'. Thats for me later tonight." He told her with a cheeky wink. He looked over towards Akeno who was now happily interacting with some officers. She was smiling, laughing and enjoying herself. "She really is something special."

Luna tried not to choke on her second drink overhearing that.

"Gee, because I really needed to know about my Captain's sex life..." Mashiro grumbled.

Mark laughed at the XO's comment "Well, this is something I might need to know tho, at least to keep her medical file updated" said sipping his glass of wine.

Xander burst out in laughter. Smirking he elbowed Mashiro gently in the side. "Not getting any huh?" he teased her. "You should put your shields down once in a while. It might lead to something, or someone one day."

That seemed to give Mashiro pause for thought. "You know, come to think of it... I don't think I've ever had a guy ask me out before..."

She shook her head. "No, wait, we're getting off track here..."

"Not even a date?" exclaimed surprise Mark.

"Nope, Mashiro shook her head. "And even if they did, I don't think I ever noticed."

"Oh you should definitely keep an eye open for that" he chuckled "On a ship as big as the Wayfarer, chances are good someone noticed you and might just be trying to get to know you better" the doctor suggested.

Luna chuckled softly as she listened to the lively chatter of her crewmates.

Several hours later Akeno snoozed as she was being piggy backed by Xander back to her quarters. "You really know how to party," he chuckled as she snuggled into him. "Let's get you to bed."

"Xander..." Akeno said in a low hushed voice. "I really love you you know."

Xander chuckled. "Yeah. I know you do..."



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