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Breakfast Tensions

Posted on Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 2:01am by Commander Mashiro Munetani "Shiro" & Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson & Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
Edited on on Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 10:06pm

Mission: Return to Tyra
Location: Mess Hall - Deck 2

Captains Log.

There is tension in the air and you can cut it with a blunt spoon. It's obvious that the crew are nervous and on edge since the rescue of the Jem'Hadar. It's understandable, we were fighting them only a year ago and everyone on this crew lost someone they knew.

The Jem'Hadar were moved last night to quarters and Commander McKenzie has done a fantastic job of arranging security for them. We know very little about the Jem'Hadar as a people, if you could call them a 'people'.

I only hope that our ignorance and previous relations doesn't give into the darker side of our souls. Speaking of relations, I've been doing research into the Jem'Hadar. The Starfleet Database on them is... sparse. There is so much that's highly classified that even at my rank of Captain can't access it. However, it does seem that they rely purely on The White, but it can be supplemented by other methods.

Therefore, in order to try and ensure that the limited supply of white lasts as long as possible the Jem'Hadar will be joining the crew for meals. My hope is that by introducing them to food and drink their bodies can use the nutrients from that instead of relying totally on the white... It may work, it may not... we'll never know if we don't try right?

Breakfast should be starting to be served about now... I best be going...

End Log

[Mess Hall - Deck 2]

The Wayfarer had many options on how the crew could take their meals. Some crew enjoyed meals using their daily allowance from the replicators in their quarters. However the Wayfarer's Mess Hall provided a more social setting to enjoy ones meals. Plus it came with the addition of a galley which could be used to cook fresh ingredients and foods brought aboard.

As per usual breakfast was 'buffet style'. The main serving table was full of different 'breakfast foods', everything from Bacon and Scrambled Eggs, to Pancakes, Croissants and Cereals. It was often compared to how breakfasts were served in Earth hotels, but it was always popular with the crew. It allowed everyone to eat what they wanted to start their day.

Akeno had arrived not long ago, she was perched over by the drinks, a cup of coffee in her hand. The Jem'Hadar and most of the Alpha Shift crew would be arriving soon. She took a sip of her coffee the butterflies in her stomach flapped as if fighting a strong breeze. Her mind was racing through scenarios that could happen and everyone of them ended the sane way... and it wasn't a good ending for either side. She let out a sigh turning her gaze away, she needed to maintain the look of confidence... The problem was that she wasn't confident that this would work or that a situation would develop and escalate.

"Now I know how Kirk felt when he invited the Klingons to Dinner on the Enterprise..." she muttered to herself. She couldn't help it, but a smirk emerged on her face. "History does have a way of repeating itself afterall huh..."

Luna and Eclipse wandered into the Mess, Eclipse never having experienced such a setting in her universe.

"Ah, greetings, Captain," Luna inclined her head toward Calypso. Eclipse waved her hand shyly.

"Morning Luna," Akeno said in a lower less cheery tone than usual. "Grabbing some breakfast?"

"Yes Ma'am. Are you ok?" Luna asked, sensing something was wrong.

Eclipse hunched her shoulders hearing the drop in the Captain's voice and Luna 'daring' to ask after her well-being.

"It is safe to ask after someone's well-being here, Eclipse," Luna assured her.

Out of the corner of her eye, Akeno was just in time to spot her XO as she entered the lounge, the visible bags under her eyes (even from this distance) indicating a lack of sleep on Mashiro's part.

A small smirk stretched across Akeno's face as she saw Mashiro enter the room. However it quickly faded. She avoided eye contact, trying to keep her thoughts from wandering as she lifted the cup of coffee upto her mouth to take a sip.

Mark entered the mess hall with a clean uniform and headed for a cup of coffee. He noted the captain being present as well as Luna and the other officers. He just nodded a quick salute still heading for the coffee since he had been working hard and no-stop to synthetize White.

" Why has this been so damn hard to get right?" he could hear the XO grumbling to herself. "It's like a never-ending rabbit hole... I'm starting to feel like I'd have better luck synthesizing rocket fuel with my hands tied behind my back!"

As the doctor finished pouring himself a cup of coffee, he heard the familiar voice of the XO whining about synthetizing stuff. With a tired smile he closed in and joined the conversation.
"I don't think I would be able to synthetize rocket fuel either" he smiled "but yeah, White is pretty hard to come up with. I'm about 75% close but we still miss a piece of the recipe. I got the guys at the hydroponic lab on it but takes time"

Heads turned as the doors of the mess hall opened once again. The Six Jem'Hadar escorted by security officers entered the room. They seemed hesitant on what they were supposed to be doing. Although they were not required to eat, they had been told to do so as it may slow down their reliance on the White. At least that as the theory.

Luna went to nudged Eclipse behind her, but froze and took a deep breath.

[We want to help them, that is our goal as Star Fleet] Luna reminded herself, patting Eclipse's shoulder instead.

Eclipse felt the change in the room, and shrank against Luna, shivering until Luna patted her shoulder gently, which calmed her.

Akeno felt a shiver run down her spine as they walked in. Whenever they entered a room they had a certain 'presence' to them. During the war seeing any Jem'Hadar enter the room you were in meant only one thing: death.

The grip on her mug tightened as she walked over to them. "Welcome to the Mess Hall gentlemen." she greeted them. "And good morning. I'm not sure if Jem'Hadar sleep. But if you do... I trust it you slept well?"

The Acting First, Zolgon'Tar, cast Akeno a strange glance. "The Jem Hadar do not require sleep; only Ketracel," he stated rather bluntly.

"Yes... Well..." Akeno replied. "We thought that we could save some of your reliance on the White." She told him. "Its why I requested you to join us for breakfast. If we can get your bodies to temporarily need food etc, it could help save what White you have left."

Zolgon'Tar tilted his head to one side. "Why would we indulge in your "fast break"? In what way would it help to conserve our Ketracel supply?"

"Just give it a try. We're still finding ways of preserving your supply." Akeno said. "Its known in medicine, at least in our medicine, that if you replace one dependency with another then your body starts to balance out." She explained.

"Captain, what's the meaning of this?" Mashiro whispered once Akeno had resumed her seat. "I can understand the fact that we've got to hold our current position, but this? Are you actively trying to endanger this crew?"

Akeno looked over at Mashiro before turning to her. "Its simple really. If we can get the Jem'Hadar less reliant on White whilst they are here it'll save on the limited supply they have," she explained.

"First of all, there's no guarantee that'll work," Mashiro pointed out. "And second, even if it did, we could've just served it to them into their quarters instead of bringing them into a crew space."

"They're our guests not prisoners Shiro-Chan." Akeno replied. "Plus, this way we can learn about each other too. We are out here to explore and learn are we not?"

Mashiro pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Captain, I understand your wanting everyone to get along, but this is a Starfleet Vessel, not a five-star hotel; frankly, we're not obligated to give these guys shit outside of the bare essentials."

Akeno scowled. "And thats the sort of attitude that started the Dominion War in the first place." She said lowly before turning away seemingly unimpressed at the Commander's behaviour and words.

Mark observed the entire exchange between the CO and the XO while sipping silently from his coffee mug. Probably for the first time since he joined the Wayfarer he found himself to disagree with the captain, but orders were orders. He reluctantly closed in with the Jem'Hadars and tried to act normal.

"Good...good morning" he spouted out to Zolgon'Tar "Mind if I sit here close to you?" he asked bringing his mug with him.

Zolgon'Tar carefully sized up the tall, clean-shaven man standing before him. "Is it a tradition for you humans to consume your nutritional supplements in groups?" he asked with a look of curiosity.

Mark smiled "Yes, we usually do" he sipped some from his mug "it is that part of the day in which you have time to conversate informally with the rest of the crew and get to know each other better. Do you usually stay on your own or do you also conversate either while eating or in different situations?" he asked curiously.

Zolgon'Tar stared at him with evident confusion. "The Jem'Hadar do not "conversate;" we live for the same experiences, and that is to regain our sense of being through victory."

"Mind if I ask you a couple of questions, since we're here?" he checked the expressions of the aliens trying to act as much normal and professional as possible "I'm a physician" the doctor explained "I'm amazed at the properties of Ketracel White" he sipped from his mug "Do you eat at all? I mean, is food completely unnecessary to you once you're under Ketracel or does it have a purpose?" he asked, also trying to find out more about Ketracel and Jem'Hadar's phisiology.

Zolgon'Tar shook his head. "We have only ever subsisted on Ketracel White; we serve the Founders, and are repaid in kind for our servitude with Ketracel."

"I see" he played a bit with his mug while continuing "I find Ketracel to be an extremely interesting compound. You knew it was composed of a fungi spore?" he asked Zolgon'Tar.
"Maybe eating some specific mushrooms might give you similar results than consuming White, have you ever been...ehm... visited by a doctor to understand how your organisms work and how White affects it?" he finally asked.

Zolgon'Tar stared at him with a blank expression. "What is this "Doctor" that you speak of?" he asked, his unfamiliarity with the term effectively answering Mark's question.

Mark smiled politely "Well, a doctor is a physician. Someone that knows how the human phisiology works and knows how to fix a human body when something is not working at its best. He is not a super hero who can do everything, but can step in to fix minor issues and help the other human beings to live a better life" he tried to explain.

Luna grabbed a couple of trays, got some food for herself and Eclipse, and walked to a table next to the Jem'Hadar.

"Greetings. I am Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok. This is my Mirror ward, Luna Eclipes," Luna introduced herself and Eclipse.

Eclipse waved shyly, not sure how to act, but Luna was being polite and open, so Eclipse figured it was safe.

The Jem'Hadar glared up at the two Klingon women as if they were a few crayons short of a full box.

Luna's eyebrow went up slightly.

"Very well. I hope you enjoy your stay aboard our ship. Good day. Come, Eclipse, we've given them the curtesy that is due," Luna held back most of her growl because she didn't care what these wolves thought of her, but they'd insulted Eclipse, and that wasn't acceptable.

"Yyes, Miss Luna Ma'am. Ffarewell," Eclipse bowed her head slightly to the Jem'Hadar, then scurried after Luna.

Mark noticed the two Klingons leaving but didn't stop them. His attention was still on the guests.

Luna sat down at a table away from the Jem'Hadar, handing Eclipse her tray as she sat with her back to the wall so that she could keep an eye on the Jem'Hadar.

After breaking away from her XO, Akeno wandered over to the Jem'Hadar. "The ship that will take you home will be here in a few days. My Chief Medical Officer is attempting to synthetize more White for you." She told them. "If one of you will volunteer, I'd like him to run a few tests down in our sickbay. It could help us synthetize the white quicker for you." She told them with a smile.

Zolgon'Tar furrowed his scaly brow with equal bits curiosity and skepticism.

"While I am skeptical as to the legitimacy of your claims," he admitted truthfully, "You have shown nothing but honor in your treatment of us, so if it is the will of the Founders to ensure our safe return to the Gamma Quadtrant, then I shall dutifully submit one of my men to undergo these "tests" that you speak of."

And with that, he shifted his attention over to his Second.

"Galag'Rin," he began. "Given you have been most proactive in the conservation of our Ketracel Supply, I believe you would be an ideal candidate for their tests."

"Why should we listen to them!" The Second, Galag'Rin, snapped back. "They aren't founders! I serve the founders! Not these weak Humans!" He answered.

Zolgon'Tar's expression faltered. Taking a deep breath and allowing the Ketracel to calm his nerves, He slowly stood back up, his 6 feet, 7 inches, and 230 pounds on full display as he made his way over to where Galag'Rin was sitting.

"Do your pledge your loyalty to the Founders, from now until death?" he asked, the firmness in his voice underpinned with a threatening aura.

Gasping repliedcsimply "I do. My loyalty is to the Founders... and only to... The Founders!"

Zolgon'Tar's hand shot out and wrapped around Galag'Rin's throat. slowly, he pulled the second into a standing position, so that the two of them were meeting eye to eye.

"Then you shall do as your first instructs you to," he growled threateningly.

Galag'Rin gasped for air. "Yes..." he struggled. "You are the first... I shall obey..."

Content that he had made his orders crystal-clear, Zolgon'Tar relaxed his grip on Galag'Rin, allowing the Second to regain his breath as he calmly returned to his seat.

The room had fallen silent during this little show of authority from Zolgon'Tar towards his men. Not one eye wasn't transfixed on the group of Jem'Hadar, Akeno's included.

"OK people..." Akeno said addressing the Starfleet crew. "Nothing to see here. Carry on." She said a hint of nervousness in her voice. It was at that moment she began to realise just how dangerous their 'guests' could actually be.

"You know..." she said addressing Zolgon'Tar. "We choose diplomacy over violence here..." she paused. "I'm not telling you how to discipline your people, but just letting you know it's out of the ordinary for us when something like... well.. that... happens."

Zolgon'Tar glanced up at Akeno. "Our duty, first and foremost, is to the Founders," he reminded her in turn. "Sometimes, it is necessary for us to... remind each other of that fact, so that we do not lose sight of ourselves in the process."

"Yeah..." Akeno said nervously. "I think I understand what you mean by that..." she added. She looked him up and down, his build was that of oure strength. In every way he was designed and built for one thing and one thing only: war. Akeno felt a shiver go down her spine, she knew full well that if any of these Jem'Hadar wanted to they could snap her in half like a crayon.

"Anyways. I'll schedule some time in one of our holodecks for you and your men." She stated. "I understand you have a 'need' for 'exercise'," she wasn't going to say 'fight' or 'bloodshed' but everyone in the room knew otherwise. "I'm sure we can find a program that will be able to accommodate you. My only request is that you keep out of restricted areas unless you have permission to be there..." she told him. "Surely you understand?"

"I shall see to it that my men abide by your requests," Zolgon'Tar nodded in affirmation.

"Thankyou," Akeno said giving him a small smile. "I may need to talk to you at some point. If I do I'll send a security officer to escort you to my ready room."

"Very well," Zolgon'Tar nodded his head in understanding.

Akeno nodded in response as she returned over to where Mashiro was. "Maybe this was a bad idea afterall..." she muttered to her XO.

Mashiro was half-inclined to say "I told you so," but rather than rubbing that fact in Akeno's face, she instead elected for the more diplomatic approach.

"I understand you just want everyone to get along, Captain," she began, gently resting a hand on Akeno's shoulder. "Trust me, after everything that we've been through, and everyone we've lost in these past couple of years, we all do; but you have to bear in mind that these guys don't think like us; they've been bred in the laboratory to live and die as soldiers of the Dominion- they lack both the logic and emotions that come to us naturally, and it's unfair of us to expect them to change their ways of thinking overnight."

Akeno didn't reply, she just looked down at the deck disheartened. 'Perhaps she's right...' she thought.

Posting by:

Captain Akeno Misaki
Commanding Officer

Commander Mashiro Munetani
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
Chief Flight Control Officer

Jem'Hadar First

Jem'Hadar Second


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