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Silent Running

Posted on Tue Jun 4th, 2024 @ 11:14pm by Captain Akeno Misaki & Commander Mashiro Munetani "Shiro" & Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie & Lieutenant Ileah & Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lieutenant JG Patra Rommel
Edited on on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 1:51am

Mission: Return to Tyra
Location: Various

The bridge was dimly lit, many of the non-essential consoles had been shut down. For the last two hours the Wayfarer had been 'drifting' amongst the wrecks of the destroyed starships. Captain Misaki had ordered the ship to be on 'silent running', an old tactic and strategy. The idea was to reduce power to fool the enemy sensors, making them 'overlook' the ship, mistaking it for one of the wrecks.

"How many shuttles have returned?" Akeno asked.

"Just one, Captain," the Ops Officer reported grimly. "Lieutenant Qarud just radioed in 10 minutes ago to report that his shuttle made it back to the Wayfarer safely; no word yet from Commander Munetani or Lieutenant Ileah."

"Understood." Akeno replied simply.

[Type 8 Shuttlecraft on hull of USS Atlantic]

Lieutenant j.g. Patra Rommel heard the low-level comms ordering shuttle teams to return and dock manually on low power. She snorted and looked at those who were with her. "Okay folks here is the deal we will be docking on the USS Atlantic. Once we board the we make our way to the main computer core, where I have work to do. I can assure you that our mission is considered vital to Starfleet, that is all I can tell you." With that Patra slowly brought the shuttle to the blasted hull of the Atlantic. She saw one of the few remaining airlock panels that appeared intact and very gently landed next to it. She looked at those with her "Okay time to put the helmets on and depressurize." With that she quickly placed her helmet on and ran through the checks on her EVA suit.

Ileah had donned her helmet first thing after the acceleration subsided enough to allow her; the system dianostic was just completing the sequences.

"One step ahead of you Lieutenant Jay-Gee." She mentioned.

[USS Wayfarer]

Oh the Bridge, Luna was doing her best not to loose control of her emotions and curse a blue streak...again.

[What the heck are those bone striper doing here anyway? There's nothing left that can be sold,] Luna shook her head sharply at that distastefull thought!

[FOCUSE, Luna! Be calm and await orders!] Luna chided herself, taking a DEEP breath to rein in her anger.

[Type 8 Shuttlecraft on hull of USS Atlantic]

Once she finished her checks Patra turned to the others, "Everyone ready. Time to depressurize and enter this dead hulk. Remember directly to the computer core. Do not stop for anything else." She waited patiently for response from the team.

"Not that I mind the main Computer but I have an assignment from Spooky that is of importance, will you be needing my SKills to download your objective Lieutenant Jay- Gee?" Ileah could easily make a remote connection from the Computer Core provided the Intel Direct 'Leech Line Feed' is operationally possible and not damaged as the Atlantic herself.

Patra chuckled, “Nope, just make sure you are not downloading anything. There is a serious issue that involves the ship, its computer core, and the ability to download.” With that said Patra turned to the console, “Depressurizing the shuttle now.” and she began the process of depressurizing the ship.

"Then I hope you can explain to Spooky why I am bringing back nothing from the independent Intel Databse." Ileah commented "Would the hard copies and safe contents be questionable?"

Patra smiled even though she knew it couldn't be seen clearly. "Trust me, the orders I have will trump his order's in spades. I have some very heavy brass wanting this performed. Once I complete my task you can feel free to do what you need to do." With that she lowered the ramp and began the slow walk to an access hatch, the hull plating was scorched and goughed by its battle and death. Patra sighed and turned back to look at Ileah, "Okay what I am about to say I never told you and I will deny it as I go to a penal colony with you. We are retrieving a deranged hologram created by the former Section 31 of Starfleet Intelligence. Satisfied as to why you cannot download?"

"I am glad you verified that the Intel system was not able to be retreved from this vessel." ILeah followed down the ramp. "Section 31 are not a subject Spooky needs to be exposed to, he is a shut-in; hence why I get loaned out for his handiwork." She almost chuckled. "It will be disposed of.... right, not some later plaything for Fleet Spooks to try and 'Fix?"

Patra shrugged, though with the armored eva suit it was hard to see. “Don’t know, don’t care. Not my concern or place to ask. When Starfleet Admiralty says do this, I have to trust that they know what they are doing. And since I can not find any reason not to follow what appears to be a lawful order, here I am.” Reaching the hatch Patra cursed in German. "Never can be easy can it." Just then she caught a glow of orange plasma gas in the distance.

[USS Wayfarer Bridge]

"Anything?" Akeno finally spoke up, breaking the eerie silence. She knew that the Jem'Hadar would be seeking them out.

"The vessels are on alert. Their keeping an eye out for us" Raelyn read from the readouts on her console screen.

Akeno stood up from her chair and made her way towards the helm console. "Luna," she said as she stood next to her. She looked down at the long helm station. "We're going to manually Maneuver the Wayfarer using the RCS thrusters on minimal power." She explained. "I'll navigate and guide you, whilst you control the thrusters."

"Aye, Captain. Rigging for RCS running on your command," Luna said, curling her toes as she'd only done this a handlful of times in the simulator and she was a little stressed.

[Oh for Kahless'es sake, Luna! Get a grip!] Luna chided herself sharply.

"Raelyn. Viewscreen on wide angle, and send the Jam'Hadar ships location to the helm." Akeno ordered. "I want your finger on the trigger. Fire to disable once we're on optimal position."

"Aye Captain" Raelyn gathered the location data of the current vessel in the vicinity and sent it to Luna's station. Then, she gathered a target lock on the enemy vessels. Her finger was on the trigger and she was ready to fire. "I'm ready, Captain."

"Good," Akeno said giving her a small nod.

Next Akeno tapped her comm badge. "All hands. Secure your stations and remain in low power mode. Also, hold onto something. This could get bumpy," Akeno announced. She looked over at Luna and gave her a nervous smile. "Release the inertial dampners, we still need to look like a piece of debris, and it should give us a better 'feel' of how the ship is reacting."

"With pleasure, Captain. It's been awhile since I got to play this game," Luna smirked softly.

"Ok." Akeno said as she looked up at the viewscreen then down at the helm's navigation screen on the far right. "Three second burst aft thrusters, bearing three degrees port."

"Three second burst aft thruster, bearing three degrees port, aye," Luna's smirk grew as she settled into her roll.

"Fire aft port thruster, five degree's list to starboard," Akeno said. "Now."

"Like flying a Grismotra," Luna's teeth gleamed in the low light.

"I have the Jem'Hadar ship on my navigational sensors..." Akeno said. "Luna, ventral thrusters. We're going to pop up behind them." She ordered. "Five seconds burst.... now!"

"Hutlh Qapla’ yInlIj QIp (“Your stupid life is without success.”) and quvHa’ Hegh SoH vIneH (“dishonorable death to you, I would like”)!" Luna barked as she carried out the order, her hands flying across the holokeys.

"ghIlghameSvaD jatlh ghIlghameS! (Suprise dirt bags!)" Luna howled as they popped up behind the Jem'Hadar ship.

"Raelyn! Now!" Akeno ordered. "Take out their engines and weapons!"

Raelyn mashed her finger down on the console while she target the enemy's engines and weapon systems. "Firing," a few seconds passed while she watched the phasers fire on the Jem'Hadar vessel through the viewscreen. "Direct hit Captain."

The bright orange phaser beams made short work on the Jem'Hadars engines, causing them to explode. The 'bug' Style fighter began to drift as secondary explosions seemed to ripple through the hull. As it drifted it gained a list to port as the Wayfarer closed the gap between them.

"Lock on a tractor beam." Akeno said looking back to Raelyn. She gave a reassuring pat on Luna's shoulder to tell her 'good job' on the flying before returning to her chair. She spun around to face the viewscreen.

Luna nodded, her smirk going full grin as she kept the ship level with the Jem'Hadar vessel.

"Aye Captain" Raelyn said while she tapped a few buttons to bring the tractor beam online. In a few seconds, the Jem'Hadar vessel was stuck in a blue beam. "We have the fighter, ma'am."

Akeno stood in her chair, and looked over at Ops. "Hail them," she said. The Ops Officer complied.

"Dominion Vessel. This is Captain Akeno Misaki of the Federation Starship Wayfarer. You're presence in Federation Space is a direct violation of the Treaty of Bajor." Akeno said as she stood with her arms crossed. "You will stand down and surrender, we will then discuss your options to be escorted back to the Gamma Quadrant."

A few moments of deathly silence fell upon the bridge. There came no response from the Dominion ship.

Raelyn's console started to beep loudly and repeatedly. Looking, she saw the reading that caused it. "Captain, the core of the fighter is overloading" she called out loudly.

"Cut the tractor beam!" Akeno ordered quickly. "Luna, full reverse back us off!" She added. She looked at the Jem'Hadar ship now on the screen which was starting to burn up.

"Qapla'! ngoDmeymaj Davoqchu'! (Crap! You yellow bellied piles of dog dung!) jatlh wa' qaDangan "revan, ghot ngImHa' wo' quv puS. (Honorless sons of smooth foreheaded Mothers!) reH SoHvaD mIw vIlIj! (You will pay for your treachery!)" Luna was cursing a blue streak as she flipped the ship into reverse and expertly flew out of range.

"No more death..." Akeno muttered to herself.

"Raelyn. Get down to the transporter room, have you and your team heavily armed." Akeno said. She then turned to the officer manning Ops. "Beam their crew aboard. Secure them behind a level ten forcefield on the Pad."

"Captain, I don't think-" she stopped her objection. The Jem'Hadar had been known to be viscous. Especially if they were acting like the war was still going on. But Akeno gave her an order, and it was better than bloodshed. "You got it" she said before sliding out of her console and literally running to the armory to get herself kitted out. On her way, she paged for a team of two dozen security officers to meet her in the transporter room. She also paged a replacement for her on the bridge.

The Wayfarer backed off quickly just as the Jem'Hadar ship exploded in a ball of fire. Akeno let out a sigh of relief as the ship was only tickled by a slight shock wave.

"Take us to a better position, then recall our shuttle teams." Akeno ordered. She started to make her way towards her ready room. "I need to speak to Starfleet Command. Luna you have the bridge." With that said she walked through her ready room.

"Aye...Ma'am? Wh...aye, Captain," Luna shook herself, carrying out the order before calling one of the Ensigns to take her place at the helm and SLOWLY walking to the Captian's chair. Luna hesitated, before taking a seat on the edge of the chair as a shiver went through her.

[Ok...don't panic, Luna...she chose you for a reason, focuse on the task at hand!] Luna took a deep breath through her nose and relaxed, sliding back so that she was properly sitting in the chair.

Posting by:

Captain Akeno Misaki
Commanding Officer

Commander Mashiro Munetani "Shiro"
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Ileah

Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Patra Rommel
Chief Engineer


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