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Posted on Wed Aug 26th, 2020 @ 9:30am by Captain Michael Meezo & Lieutenant Commander Whistela Au’rel & Lieutenant Avery Paxton III & Lieutenant Ithi Deritan

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: DS9, Promenade
Timeline: MD-02


Ithi walks into the bar and sits down, looking around for any crew or anyone besides Quark, but to annoy the hell out of him orders a root beer.

Mike and Avery walked down the spiral staircase that led down from the holo-suite into the heart of Quark’s bar. The Ferengi was stood waiting for them, “So tell me, what’s the damage?” He asked with a scowl.

“Other than an unconscious Klingon, the holo-suite is in one piece.” Mike explained. “Thanks for your help Quark.” He rooted around his pockets and handed over five strips of latinum. He had planned to use them on the Dabo tables at some point, but it made little difference to him how it was spent.

It was at that point that Ithi caught Mike’s eye.

Avery didn’t know who it was that Mike was staring at across the room. She piped up before it became an awkward moment, “First rounds on me. It’s the least I can do to repay you for helping me out,” she chuckled. “What are you having? I’ll get it from the bar while you select a table.”

“I’ll have a glass of Saurian brandy.” The man answered. “I’ll be over there with that woman.”

Avery nodded and headed to the bar. “A Saurian brandy and a whiskey sour,” she put in her order. A moment later the bartender placed them on the counter. She picked them up and made her way to where the Captain was talking to the mysterious woman.

Ithi hated DS9 a bit cause so many different races caused her paranoia to kick in with her intel training, she just sat there sipping her root beer, her Romulan half’s training kicking in constantly to keep her mind shielded from everyone she also didn't notice Michael or Avery.

“Excuse me,” a voice spoke from behind her. She turned to see the Captain smiling above her. “Do you mind if Lieutenant Paxton and I join you? I don’t think you’ve met our Chief Engineer yet?”

Ithi smiles looking at the Captain and nods "Please feel free, I’m just sitting here happily annoying Quark by ordering lots of fizzy bubbly happy drinks, and nope, only you and Rosaleen so far.”

Avery arrived with the drinks and placed them on the table, “Lt. Avery James Paxton III, and you are?” Avery raised an eyebrow as she finished the question and extended a hand to Ithi. The woman wasn’t wearing any sort of uniform or insignia so she wasn’t sure what her role was on the ship. However, considering she had already met the Captain and O’Donnell, she assumed the mystery woman must have been a new assignee to the Wayfarer.

Ithi takes the hand shaking it "Lieutenant Ithi Deritan, Intel" She smiles and glances over the woman, from head to toe, checking her out but looking like sizing her up.

“Lieutenant Deritan has joined the Wayfarer as our new Chief Intelligence Officer.” Mike added with a smile.

“Ah, well then, welcome aboard.” Avery said as she sat down opposite the Captain.

It wasn't Talla’s first time aboard DS9, she knew if there was any action at all it would be a Quarks. {Quarks, she thought} rolling her eye's as she walked into the entrance. She recalled the last time she was here she was proposed to twice. She scanned the room and noticed the Captain and Avery. {Ah, yes.} she was pleased to find a familiar face. "May I join you?" She asked.

“Of course, Commander.” Avery responded. She hadn’t officially met the ship’s counselor yet, but she had looked up her profile after Scott had ordered her to set up a session and recognized the face as she walked up to the table. Avery generally hated feeling vulnerable, which she felt was counselling specialty, so she was dragging her feet on actually scheduling the appointment.

The following two hours seemed to fly by. Mike must have had at least eight glasses of Saurian brandy by this point, and he was sure Avery had definitely had more than eight glasses of whiskey sour. Ithi, on the other hand, had continued to drink root beer.

“I, the things with Klingons and dinosaurs...” Mike seemed to slur, wagging his finger towards Avery and Ithi, “... the Dinosaurs believe in honour. And then, the Qa’pla thing that they do too. Klingons are extinct. Or they could be I suppose.” He paused with a frown as he seemed to confuse even himself. “I appear to be slightly inebriated.”

Ithi giggled as he admitted that, “Just slightly."

Avery laughed before continuing to sip on her glass of water. She had alternated whiskey sours and water to keep from letting herself go too far. Even though she and the Captain had just shared in a pretty laughable adventure, her marine upbringing still prevented her from lowering her guard too much when around a superior officer.

Mike got to his feet, slightly uneasy, but composed himself enough to function relatively well. “Ladies, I will bid you good night. I have a report to finish and send to Starf... Starfleek... Starfleet Command.”

Ithi giggled and teased jokingly, "What? Running off leaving three beautiful ladies alone, I'm shocked skipper, absolutely shocked."

Mike raised a finger and opened his mouth as though he was about to say something, but instead no words came out. The Captain made a drunken escape back to his quarters on the Wayfarer.

"Well, I guess I'd better make my exit as well," Avery said, still chuckling over the Captain's drunken exit. "My shift starts early in the morning and I have a lot of specs to review before we get under way again. You two have a great night!" She took the last swig from her glass and headed back to the Wayfarer.

Ithi watched the two of them go off and sighs, since she had to do some stuff too, especially in getting her gear onboard and waves goodbye to Talla


Captain Michael Meezo
Commanding Officer
USS Wayfarer, NCC-72113


Lt Commander Whistela Au’rel
Chief Counselling Officer
USS Wayfarer


Lieutenant Avery Paxton III
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Wayfarer, NCC-72113


Lieutenant Ithi Deritan
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Wayfarer


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