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So Long, And Good Luck

Posted on Tue Aug 25th, 2020 @ 1:35pm by Captain Michael Meezo

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: USS Wayfarer
Timeline: MD-01 (Shortly After Docking)


{USS Wayfarer, Captain’s Ready Room}

Mike still needed to write the previous mission report up and send it to Starfleet Command. Instead of heading straight onto Deep Space Nine after the Wayfarer had docked, he had decided that he wanted to get this report out of the way first.

His door chimed unexpectedly, interrupting his train of thought almost instantly. He threw the PADD down onto the desk in frustration and rubbed his face with his hands. “Come in!” He finally shouted, having regained some professional composure.

Lieutenant Commander Jason Maddox, the Wayfarer’s Chief of Security walked into the room. He had a pained look on his face, as though he had received some terrible news.

“Commander,” Mike spoke first, “How can I help you? I thought you’d be on DS9 enjoying some R & R while you had the chance?” He motioned for the man to take a seat.

Maddox moved closer to the desk, finally coming to the chair before sitting down. “Captain, I’ll be blunt.” He spoke slowly, still unsure of what he was going to say. “I’m transferring to the USS Vanger under Captain Tabitha Reznor. Its an XO spot. She specifically wants me for the job, and I can’t turn it down.”

Mike leaned back in his chair, unable to hide the shock and disappointment which had now spread across his face. “I see, well, you must do what you feel is right of course.” He leaned forward again, “Captain Reznor is an incredible CO, she and I were actually at the Academy together. I’m not surprised that she headhunted you Jason, you’re a fine officer.“

“Thank you sir,” Maddox apologised, “I know I haven’t been here long, but its been an incredible honour to serve on the Wayfarer alongside you. Perhaps I’ll be back one day, who can tell what the future may bring.”

“Indeed,” Mike nodded in agreement, “When do you leave?”

“Within the hour. The Vanger will be passing through the system on her way to Cardassia Prime, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to be picked up.”

Mike was again shocked by this news, but didn’t reveal it this time. Instead, he simply got to his feet and shook the man’s hand, “Good luck Commander Maddox. I hope we cross paths again one day.”

Maddox bowed his head and left the room, leaving Mike alone with his thoughts. The mission report could wait, he needed to hit Quark’s place for a much needed alcoholic beverage!


Unfortunately Steven, who played Lieutenant Commander Maddox, has had to step away from simming for a while. Real life has become too hectic for him, and so he has made the right decision to leave for the time being. Real life should always come first ahead of any sim. I wish him all the best and I would welcome him back in an instant should he find the time and the energy to start simming once again.

Captain Michael Meezo
Commanding Officer
USS Wayfarer


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