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Reporting In

Posted on Fri May 6th, 2022 @ 7:46am by Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok

Mission: Arista
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: 1200 hrs
Tags: Captain Akeno Misaki

Lieutenant Eclipse scurried down the corridor, adjusting her uniform and trying not to drop the data pad she was carrying as she made her way to the Ready Room to report in to Captain Akeno Misaki. She brushed her dark purple streaked brown hair back into a braid then secured it in a bun with a wolf hairpin, took a deep breath, and keyed the door chime.

"Come in" Akeno called through the door intercom.

Lieutenant Eclipse took a breath, and pushed the button to open the door.
"Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok reporting as ordered, Captain Misaki. I look forward to serving under you," she stood at attention, resisting the urge to straighten her uniform or hair and hoping that her racing heart couldn't be heard.

"At ease" Akeno said. "Why not try sitting down Lieutenant?"

"Thank you, Captain," Lieutenant Eclipse adjusted the skirt on her uniform as she sat down, placing the data pad on the table and giving a last tweak to her hair. She preferred the shirt/pant uniform on duty, but she had grown fond of the older uniform during her time aboard the USS Appomattox.

"So, Lieutenant. Welcome to the Wayfarer, I hope the trip wasn't too bad for you?" Akeno asked.

"Thank you, Captain. Not at all, I was even able to speak with my Father briefly on the flight. He wished me Qapla’ (success), good hunting, and pe’vIl mu’qaDmey (curse well)," Lieutenant Eclipse said, smiling at the memory.

Akeno smiled fondly, she wished she had known more of her parents. "I see" she replied. "So, you're a Martok huh. That's a very powerful family, he's now chancellor of the Klingon Empire. How are you relayed to him?" She was naturally curious.

"Yes, Captain, I am. Martok is my Father's eldest brother. Since my Father is also the youngest of his siblings, he doesn't have the same type of responsibilities as his brothers. He is still in a high position of course, but he has a little more freedom...and fewer guards. Ahem, anyway, I...oh! I'm so sorry! I was supposed to show you my transfer orders!" Lieutenant Eclipse pushed the data pad she had brought towards the Captain, thankful that she had remembered it.

"Ah yes, those too" the Captain replied as she took the PADD and glanced it over. "I also apologise, I'm also new to this whole 'being the captain' thing" she explained. "We're basically a ship of rookies"

"No worries, Captain. You're a good Captain, they wouldn't have chosen you for this position if they didn't believe in you," Lieutenant Eclipse straightened her hair, a nervous habit she hadn't been able to shake.

"So tell me" Akeno said. "What class of starships have you flown before now? The Intrepid Class is still fairly new, she handles very differently from other classes I'm the fleet"

"This is my first assignment actually. I was a little later than most to join the Academy, so I'm just finding my space legs as it were," Luna mentally smacked herself for the lame line she had just delivered. "If you sound dumb, people will THINK you're dumb," she thought grouchily, straightening her hair again.

"Straight out of the academy at a Lieutenant Junior Grade..." Akeno pondered for a few moments. "It seems that Starfleet have big expectations for you lieutenant. That doesn't happen every day, but with the fleet recovering from the recent war it doesn't surprise me at all"

"Regardless of that. According to the records I was sent, you seem like a fine pilot and addition to the crew" she said with a smile. "Try and get as much time at the helm when you can, our new Chief Flight Control Officer should be here soon, I expect that you'll want to meet with him. The department isn't very big, so you'll do well to work together"

Luna smiled, mentally growling at the reminder that she was a LJG because of Klingon High Council. Not that she hadn't busted her butt to get here, but she knew deep down that favors had been called in to get her a high position. "Yes, Ma'am, I'm looking forward to it. Um, Captain? Can I tell you something? Sigh, I think the reason I was given a LTJG position is because my Uncle is the Klingon Chancellor. I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but I've seen it happen before, and I'm concerned that might be the case here. I'm NOT saying I didn't work hard...I just have a feeling it's more politics than grades. I just wanted you to know that," Luna dropped her head, part of her wishing she'd kept her mouth shut, and the other part relieved that she'd cleared her conscience and the Captain knew where she stood.

Akeno intertwined her fingers together and leant forward on the desk slightly as a serious expression spread across her face. "Lieutenant" she started simply. "I want to be honest with you, so lets get this clear. However you got your rank is no business of mine, whether you got this rank due to politics, hard work, whatever; it doesn't matter to me. As long as you do your job to the best of your ability, follow orders and stick to the rules, I couldn't really care about how you ended up here before now"

The Captain paused for a couple of seconds. "We're all here for a reason and what has happened in the past has already happened. Its our actions in the present which shape the future. I was never meant to be the Captain of this ship, but it happened because I was here. So, don't go fretting about stuff like this. Deem yourself lucky, because right now Starfleet need good officers and good people after what we've been through; remember that thousands of Starfleet Officers and Crew never returned home during the war and we all have to step up to new challenges now"

Luna's head snapped up, her eyes widening at the Captain's words. "I'm sorry, Captain. I shouldn't be going 'woe is me' right after all the pain and suffering the Federation and her allies have gone through. Thank you for setting me straight. I was protected during the war, it didn't affect us the way it did so many others. I won't let my past or my families position interfere with my duties EVER again. I'm going to give this ship and her crew everything I've got," Luna's eyes flashed, determination and resolve turning them even darker. "I will NOT show such cowardness again!" Luna thought, closing her hand into a fist under the table.

"Being scared isn't a sign of being a coward" Akeno said as she sat back in her chair. "Vulcans would call it illogical, but for Humans, it heightens our sense of danger and ensures that we take careful steps" she paused for a moment. "I get it, trust me, I really do. You're in a new place, out of your depth. Pretty much everyone on this ship is right now. But we will work together as a crew to help each other out. You're not alone in this Lieutenant. We've all loved and lost; some more than others. However we're all stronger because of it. Remember that" she explained to the young lieutenant softly a hint of emotion in her eyes.

Luna balked again...she had almost forgotten that the Captain was human seeing as how she had seemed to read Luna's thoughts. "Again, thank you, Captain. I hope to learn many more things from you and this crew. I, Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok, swear that I will give my life for this ship and her crew!" Luna stood to her feet, and gave the Captain a Klingon salute.

"Nice to know" Akeno replied. "If there's nothing else, then you're dismissed lieutenant"

"No, Captain, Akeno. Yes, Ma'am," Luna gave the Captain the Federation salute, and left the Ready Room.

Posting by

Captain Akeno Misaki
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
Flight Control Officer


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