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I'm Back (Backpost)

Posted on Mon Mar 14th, 2022 @ 9:03pm by Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie & Lieutenant JG Alurfye Nava

Mission: Arista
Location: Lieutenant JG Alurfye Nava's Quarters
Timeline: Before Docking at Starbase
Tags: Captain Misaki

Assistant Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant JG Alurfye Nava had just got from a Funeral for a very close Maternal Aunt. He was unpacking and storing his belongs in room.
"I guess I better report in." He thought. So, he Picked-up his Personal Communicator and keyed in the call code for his Immediate Boss, Chief Security/Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie.

"If she doesn't answer I leave a Message and then report to the Capt. or the Command Officer on the Bridge."

"Chief Security/Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie, this is Assistant Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant JG Alurfye Nava. Reporting in for Duty Posting. ... I repeat Chief Security/Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie, this is Assistant Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant JG Alurfye Nava. Reporting in for Duty Posting. Come in Please. I'm in my Quarter awaiting Your Reply, Sir. Over"

He sat down in the most comfortable chair he could find. He held his communicator in his right hand a food replicator version of Zybauchij Punch in his left and tried not cry as he stared at a 3D-Holo-pic, of his late Maternal Aunt Chandra Shuxye Zhanlyera, in beloved Flower Garden.

Awaiting a reply from CS/TO Lt. Mckenzie, hoping he wouldn't have to the Bridge to Report -In.

Raelyn was in her office getting security reports done for the Captain when she got the page. =^=This is Lieutenant Mckenzie. Welcome back Lieutenant. I hope you had a safe journey.=^=

"Thank You. Lt.McKenzie, I did. I just got back, I hitched a ride on the USS Mac Arthur." Alurfye replys graciously, "I'm ready for duty, sir. What's been happening since I was gone?" He asks wonderingly.
"I guess Capt. Misaki knows I'm Back Capt. Jeanine Brewer, of the Mac Arthur said she was going to have them Beam me to my Quarters here on the Montana as training excerise. After which she was going Decloak and let Our Capt. know what was going on."

=^=Understood. As for what's been happening I'm not the best one to ask unfortunately. That may be a good question for Captain Misaki. But long story short, the nebula caused us much more trouble than we bargained for. We lost a sizeable amount of our crew. We nearly lost the Captain herself.=^=

Location: The Bridge, of the USS MacArthur, NCC 1764 - Earlier

"Capt. Jeanine Brewer, of the USS MacArthur, NCC 1764, to Captain Akeno Misaki, of the USS Wayfarer NCC72113, come in, Please. I repeat, this is Capt. Jeanine Brewer, of the USS MacArthur, NCC 1764, to Captain Akeno Misaki, of the USS Wayfarer NCC72113, come in, Please."
All Capt. Brewer and the bridge crew of the USS MacArthur heard was static.

Capt. Brewer asked for complete scans of the USS Wayfarer NCC72113. The reports She got that the Bridge was manned but ship ITself was vastly under crewed, and in need of assistance.

"Comm. Lt, jg Alurfye Nava." Capt. Brewer asked her Bridge Comm. Officer on Duty.
After connecting to Lt.jg, Nava. He relayed that, in short, an encounter with a nebula caused us much more trouble than the Capt. and Crew bargained for. They lost a sizeable amount of our crew; also They nearly lost the Captain herself.

That was all Lt. Raelyn Mckenzie his dirrect boss the Chief Security/Tactical Officer, could give him.
He quoted her as saying, " As for what's been happening I'm not the best one to ask unfortunately. That may be a good question for Captain Misaki."
Capt. Brewer asked Lt.jg, Nava if he wanted to be beamed back to the MacArthur.
"If, you can't raise the Bridge. Sir. I'll go check myself." replied Lt.jg, Nava.

So, Capt. Brewer tried again, "Capt. Jeanine Brewer, of the USS MacArthur, NCC 1764, to Captain Akeno Misaki, of the USS Wayfarer NCC72113, come in, Please. Do you need assistance.
I repeat, this is Capt. Jeanine Brewer, of the USS MacArthur, NCC 1764, to Captain Akeno Misaki, of the USS Wayfarer NCC72113, come in, Please. Do you need assistance. We can beam over an emergency repair team, Captain Misaki."

"Captain Misaki here. Sorry Captain, we're still having system troubles over here. But we have it under control" she said as she emerged on the viewscreen.

"Thanks for the assistance. We're en route to Starbase 83 for repairs and restock" Akeno replied. "Good luck on your travels Captain"

With that the channel cut off as the Wayfarer pulled away from the MacArthur.

Posting by

Captain Akeno Misaki
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant JG Alurfye Nava
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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