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Who Mourns for Adonais

Posted on Mon Sep 28th, 2020 @ 5:50am by Ensign Robert Lee Jr. & Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant Basil Dampfish
Edited on on Mon Sep 28th, 2020 @ 10:44am

Mission: Section 57 and a Third
Location: Starbase 57
Timeline: Reality C: Current

We are missing input from couple of people.


{Starbase 57, Chapel}

Akeno left the chapel. She was due to take up the executive officer spot on the Wayfarer in just a few days. However with the ship destroyed it didn't feel right.

"Something doesn't feel right" Akeno stated. She looked around and could recognise a few faces. She wasn't sure what to make of it, was the Wayfarer a dream? Was it pre cognition,she couldn't place her finger on it.

"Lieutenant... Dampfish isn't it?" She asked approaching the Lieutenant whom she somehow knew but had never met.

"Hmm?" Dampfish looked up at the young woman. "I am Basil Dampfish. You are... Atheno? Why do I know you? I would remember meeting you before." He sat in puzzlement, looking at her, then looking around. "I would know you as much as I would know him," he continued, pointing to a hulking shape across the promenade. "Him. B-b-bob?"

Lee, always going by his last name when not around his family but other times it's Hoss as a nickname he had from his family seeing there were Roberts, Robbys and even a Roberto in his family (Not to mention would show in his Starfleet Academy record as cadets would address him as Hoss or Lee when more then one Robert is present), was standing there somberly but he looks out of character as he is confused.
" Wasn't I just somewhere on the Wayfarer?" he ask himself in a low tone.

"Excuse me - you over there. Are you Bob?" called Dampfish. "May we speak with you for a moment?"

He looks up, not at all use to be called that but he has that more confused look but a hint of relief as maybe some answers. He goes over to them. Once two paces out from the two he speaks, " Was known as Hoss or Robert back at the Academy but never as Bob." he says in a somber tone.

" But you two seem familiar. Do we know each other?" ask the towering man looking to them both. Lee does seem more confused now as science department wasn't his ideal department.

"What do you think is not right?" demanded Dampfish. "What did you experience?"

Lee blinks, unsure what the heck is going and the irate Lieutenant sure isn't helping it. He lets out a heavy sigh, " Feels like my mind has been scrambled." he then looks around, " Any of you have security clearance to check the video footage of how this all started? I remember getting up, shower, dress then heading to the mess hall for chow and then next thing I remember is being in the Chapel here." he ask looking around at spots where sensors and all would be used for security.


Dampfish thought for a moment. "I recall being on board the Wayfarer," he said. "I was aboard yesterday as she left the station. However, that recollection is not congruent with the current reality."


"We need to speak tomorrow," said Dampfish. "Tomorrow? To Morrow? " He called out sharply. "Morrow? Are you there?"


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