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Familiar Faces

Posted on Mon Aug 24th, 2020 @ 9:19am by Captain Michael Meezo
Edited on on Mon Aug 24th, 2020 @ 11:00am

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: DS9 - Operations
Timeline: MD-01


{DS9 - Operations}

The lift came to a gentle stop once it had reached the operations deck of Deep Space Nine, and Mike walked out into the large room. Considering it was almost 2130 hours, operations remained remarkably busy.

A young Trill woman approached Mike and smiled warmly, “Captain Meezo, welcome to Deep Space Nine.”

“Thank you Lieutenant..?” Mike left the question open to answer.

The young woman straightened her tunic and stood a little taller, “Dax, sir. Lieutenant Ezri Dax.”

“Well thank you Lieutenant Dax.” Mike nodded. “Do you know if Colonel Kira is available to see me?”

“She should be,” Dax answered honestly, “But I know she’s been rather busy with Bajor’s admission to the Federation lately, so she may not be in the best of moods.” She lowered her voice to a whisper, “It’s quite a stressful time for her.”

Mike smiled, “I appreciate the warning. I’ll see you around Lieutenant. Thanks again for the welcome.”

He crossed the operations centre and climbed the steps up to the station commander’s office. The doors opened and he stepped in. Kira was stood at the window, looking out towards the stars. “Welcome Captain.” She turned to face the man, “DS9 is at the disposal of your crew for repairs and some down-time.”

“Thank you Colonel,” Mike nodded, “What about the Avenger and her crew?”

“The ship is already being transferred back to Earth for study by Starfleet Intelligence as we speak.” Kira explained. “Her crew will be departing for Starbase 33 within the hour. They’ll be rehabilitated there and given a chance to catch up on 216 years of history.”

“It’ll be tough for them,” Mike admitted. “Most of that crew had lives outside of their jobs. Husbands, wives, children...”

Kira agreed and raised an eyebrow, “They’ll be well looked after Captain, I’ve had assurances from Admiral T’Ulic that they’ll be incredibly supported throughout.” She paused for a moment and cleared her throat, “Speaking of the illustrious Vulcan Admiral, he’ll be sending orders for the Wayfarer in the coming days, so don’t get too comfortable here. From what I understand he’s getting you involved with the Bajoran admittance into the Federation somehow.”

Mike smiled at the woman, “Well, we’ll appreciate the down-time, but it will be an honour to be involved with that.”

“As I said, the station is at your disposal until the orders come through.” Kira took a seat at her desk and picked up a PADD, “You’ll have to excuse me, Captain. I’ve got three Tellarite transport vessels, and four Nausicaan cargo ships arriving at 0700, so its going to be a long night for me.”

Mike took that as his cue to leave, “Not a problem, Colonel. In fact, I’m pretty beat myself. Have a wonderful evening.” And with that, Mike turned and left the office.


A great time for a bit of character development ahead of our next mission. Explore DS9, interact with her characters and locations, explore the Wayfarer, interact with each other, etc, plenty to write about! Don’t hesitate to send a JP my way either! Maddox, are you still around mate?

Captain Michael Meezo
Commanding Officer
USS Wayfarer, NCC-72113


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