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On Boarding, Check up

Posted on Sun Aug 23rd, 2020 @ 9:49pm by Lieutenant Scott Hayes & Lieutenant Ithi Deritan
Edited on on Mon Aug 24th, 2020 @ 9:05am

Mission: Deep Space Nine
Location: Wayfarer - Sickbay
Timeline: MD-01

Walks into the medbay looking around and heading to the CMO's office looking for the doctor.

Scott was sitting in his office, back to the main sickbay finishing up his paperwork at the end of his shift. It had been a long day for several reasons and was looking forward to relaxing, but for now, he had a stack of PADDs to get through and a rather large mug of peppermint tea to help him get through it. The poor doctor would be oblivious to anything going on around him at present.

Ithi walks up to just in front of his desk and sits in the chair "You the Ships doc? need to get my new arrival, must be checked out cause even the doc on the station who did it yesterday's report don't count for shit check up done"

Scott was a little taken back with the sudden arrival of someone in front of him, especially someone he hadn't recognised as being part of the crew roster yet. He figured it was a new addition whos file was waiting in the stacks of PADDs before him. "I would be the doctor. If you wouldn't mind heading to the biobeds in the main sickbay. I will be over in a moment if you would take a seat on one." His eyes narrowed as he gave them a rub to try and wake himself up.

She happily stand " Lt, Ithi Deritan but dont be shocked when you can't read my past medical history doc" and heads to one of the biobeds hopping up on it and sitting to wait.

'Oh, one of the secretive types,'Scott thought as he collected his scanning equipment and headed over. "From your remarks, I'm guessing intelligence," he began, having worked with many from this discipline of Starfleet before, "You would be surprised what level of access medical actually has to your medical files. While we may not be able to see what caused specific injuries or operations, everything is there for us to see. It is fundamental to cater for all your primary care needs." As he strode over, he took out the small hand scanner and began to go to work with the slow, methodical scans over his patient. "Also, if you were scanned yesterday, it will make this quicker, just a comparison scan between this and your last one."

She smiles as he does the scanning again and nods "yup, and cept for maybe some raised hormonal levels, should be identical to yesterdays scan"

she doesn't seem to mind the scans truthfully as she whistles something softly.

"Any particular reasons for the raised hormonal levels outside of more obvious reasons?" he asked, half awaiting a secretive answer as the doctor finished up his scans and put the hand scanned back. Scott went to pick up the enlarged PADD he kept as part of his routine to input and analyse the data.

"Just a cute captain and ops officer is all" she smirks

"Well then, I am happy to report you are cleared for duty," Scott said as he went to put all of his scanning equipment away. Gesturing towards the door, he continued, "You are free to go, I won't be far behind you once all my paperwork is finished. Glad to have you onboard." Scott really wouldn't be long, he had a workout to complete and drinks to consider.

She hops off the bed "thanks doc" and heads out of the medical bay


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