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What Beautiful Dreams

Posted on Wed Aug 19th, 2020 @ 9:26pm by Captain Michael Meezo

Mission: The Avenger
Location: USS Avenger
Timeline: Present


{USS Avenger - Bridge}

The bridge crew were stunned into silence. It wasn’t every day that they saw their commanding officer being held at phaser point by a Romulan centurion. Dante, Meezo and the Romulan moved to the centre of the bridge, no-one saying a word.

After a moment Captain Dante spoke, “Everyone just stay calm. He’s got nowhere to go, and the sooner he realises that, the sooner this will be over.”

The Romulan gripped Dante tighter, squeezing his head painfully in a headlock. “Romulan ships are on their way here, Captain.” He snarled. “I’ll be leaving shortly.”

=/\= Davis to Dante, impulse engines are back up. Lt.Paxton and I are going to work on the warp drive next, but it’s in pretty bad shape. It may take a few hours =/\= the Avenger’s engineer explained concisely.

Everyone looked nervously towards Captain Dante. How would he react to this news? He needed to play it cool for the sake of his own life. But he didn’t...

“You get that warp drive up as quickly as possible!” Dante replied defiantly.

The Romulan pushed the Captain forwards towards Meezo before turning to the communications console and firing the phaser. The console exploded in a hail of sparks. Before anyone could do anything, the Romulan turned his phaser towards Dante and fired. The man fell to the floor almost instantly, severely wounded.

Meezo and Maddox, the only other Wayfarer crew member on the bridge at the time, rushed the Romulan and tackled him to the ground. Maddox disarmed the centurion with ease, while Mike held him down. Following this a rush of crew snapped into action and helped to pin the Romulan to the ground.

“He’s dead.” Came a shaken voice from behind the crowd of people. A young Ensign knelt beside her commanding officer, medical tricorder in hand. “The Captain is gone. He’s dead.”

Mike turned back towards the sneering Romulan, who had been placed in restraining cuffs by this point, “And the best part is, I’m not alone here.” He laughed loudly. The young Ensign crossed the bridge and punched the Romulan square in the jaw as hard as she could, silencing the laughter.


Captain Michael Meezo
Commanding Officer
USS Wayfarer


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