
Victory is Life

Posted on Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 9:54pm by Captain Akeno Misaki

Mission: Return to Tyra
Location: Guest Quarters, USS Wayfarer

Galag'Rin returned from the sickbay to the quarters that the Starfllet Captain had assigned them. He looked around with a disgusted unimpressed look. These 'living quarters' resembled nothing of what he was used to. He approached the others and noticed that Zolgon'Tar was not present.

"Where is the first?" He asked.

"He is elsewhere. We do not know where." One of the soldiers replied.

Galag'Rin looked towards the door. "I feel like a caged animal in these... 'living quarters'!" He exclaimed in frustration. "These Federations are our enemies. They refused to follow the Founders!"

One of the others rose to his feet. "The First has ordered us not to fight!"

"The First is wrong!" Galag'Rin snapped back angrily. "He is showing sympathy towards the Federation's!" He took a step forward allowing his size and strength to intimidate the others. "He does not follow the wishes of The Founders!"

"But the peace treaty?"

"The Dominion would never sign such a treaty! Our Founders are gods, the rightful rules of this Galaxy!" Galag'Rin told them all. "Do you follow the orders of The Founders, or the orders given by that Starfleet Weakling?!"

An awkward silence fell upon the room. "We should capture this vessel in replacement for our own. Then we will kill Zolgon'Tar for his treason against our Founders!" Galag'Rin said to them all.

"They have taken our weapons!"

"We are Jem'Hadar!" Galag'Rin growled. "We do not need weapons to achieve victory. And victory is life!"

"Victory is life!" The others chanted in unison.

"When do we strike?" Was the next question to be raised.

Galag'Rin pondered for a brief moment. "Early tomorrow morning. When the Humans do their 'fast break'. They will be least prepared." He told them all. "Our priority targets should be this vessels engine room and it's control center."

"There are five of us. That is plenty to overpower these weak Starfleeters!" Galag'Rin said. "We shall move as a unit. Do your shrouds still function?"

"Yes." They replied. They knew that using their shroud would assist in their movements aboard the ship, eluding them from the eyes and sensors of the enemy.

"What of Zolgon'Tar?"

"Kill him. He is a traitor to the Founders. He does not deserve mercy. His life as a Jem'Hadar has ended!" Galag'Rin told them. "The same goes for the weak Female Starfleet Captain."

"Do we take prisoners?" One of the soldiers asked. He needed clarification.

Galag'Rin shool his head. "No. They would only cause problems. Kill on sight." He then looked around at the others. "You will now follow my orders. I am now the First and we will take this ship in the name of The Founders."

The Jem'Hadar all stood and nodded. "Good," Galag'Rin said. "Once we have this vessel we shall show the Federation exactly how strong The Dominion and our Founders are! We will not fail!"

"We are dead. We go into battle to claim Victory. And Victory is Life!" Galag'Rin said. The other four Jem'Hadar chanted it after him several times. Finally Galag'Rin turned away from his men to prepare himself for the next morning.

To be continued...


