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'Testing' A Jem'Hadar

Posted on Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 9:48pm by Captain Akeno Misaki & Lieutenant Commander Mark Johnson

Mission: Return to Tyra
Location: Sickbay, Deck 5

Galag'Rin as ordered was escorted down to the ships sickbay. The Starfleet Doctor believed that he had the power to create more White. Galag'Rin knew that this was impossible, only the Founders have that knowledge and ability. However orders were orders.

He walked with his head held high into the sickbay. "Starfleet Doctor. I am here as my First has ordered me to be!" He said loudly.

Mark was waiting for his special patient. He wore his perfectly clean white medical goon with initials embrodied in it. "Dr. M.W.J." almost shone in it. Everyone not essential was moved away from the sickbay in order to keep the area as clean as possible for any evenience. Medical personnel was kept at minimum. Commander Johnson was being helped by the head nurse, Molly, and a few more of the sickbay crew were in standby just in case.

He was not exactly comfortable. Any minor mistake on his part and he could create a diplomatic incident with very serious repercussions.

He breathed slowly trying to slow down his heart rate as the Jem'hadar made his entrance and lowered his head in a small bow.

"Thankyou, Mr. Galag'Rin" he thanked him "...and please, just call me Mark, or Commander Johnson if you prefer a more "martial" way" he smiled politely showing him the closest biobed "I take it that you know how a biobed works. We are going to undertake a set of scans and studies but" he stressed these last words "if, in any moment, you don't feel comfortable about the procedure, we'll stop right away" he reassured him.

"I was ordered to undergo these tests. Being 'comfortable' is irrelevant." Galag'Rin replied a soft growl in his voice. "However should you attempt to kill me, I will end your life."

At his words Molly petrified.

The doctor sketched a shy smile and nodded "I expected that, indeed, but doctors don't usually kill their patients" he told the alien, reassuring himself more than the Jem'hadar.

"Get on the biobed then" he motioned closely "We'll start with some scans"

Not replying Galag'Rin took a few strides over to the biobed a d sat down on it. He kept his head held high as if reminding the medical staff that he was superior in every way. "You shall begin now."

"oook" Mark closed in to the biobed monior gesturing Molly to help him.

"We're gonna start with a basic scheleton scan, then we'll dig deeper into further scans and we might need a blood sample, if you agree"

As the CMO explained the procedure to the Jem'hadar, Molly started a skeleton scan and an holographic 3D model of the alien soldier popped up on one of the areas of the sickbay. Little by little organs and other tissues started populating as the scan progressed and got deeper in layers.

Galag'Rin just sat there with his arms crossed. "Proceed," he said simply.

As the biobed monitor filled with data Mark smiled in awe. In that moment he realized he had just made a breakthrough no other Starfleet officer had ever achieved. He was probably the first one to have the opportunity to understand how Jem'hadar's functioned. Noone in Starfleet ever came this close. He was not just trying to help these soldiers prividing them with White, he was also a pioneer in medical science, something he never thought would have been possible but there he was, rewriting history.

Molly continued scanning Galag'Rin as the doctor approached him with a syringe to sample some blood.

He acted quickly and preofessionally trying not to bother their guest too much.

It didn't seem to phase Galag'Rin at all. He just sat there as he had been ordered to. An obedient soldier was a good one, even if he believed that his First's commands were flawed.

Once done, he immediately put a small amount of the sampled blood into the Wayfarer's multiparametric blood tester. The rest of the syringe full of blood got carefully stored for further studies in the future.

He was about to uncover what no Starfleet doctor had dared, or been allowed, to discover: how the Jem'Hadar truly functioned.

His first surprise was the biological integration of Ketracel-white. Not simply a drug, the substance acted almost like an organ system, interwoven into the Jem'Hadar’s physiology at a cellular level. The White wasn't just a dependency, it was a fuel source that governed their biochemical processes, dictating everything from their rapid healing to their enhanced strength and aggression. Without it, the Jem'Hadar’s body would spiral into cellular breakdown.

"Have you completed your 'tests'?" Galag'Rin asked.

At Galag'Rin's request doctor Johnson shoot a glance to Molly that confirmed she did all the scans that were physiscally possible. X-rays, thermal scans, tissue scans ....

He nodded "Yes, sir, we got all we need. Thanks for your patience" freeing him from the biobed and letting him space to roam around.

Galag'Rin slid off the biobed and walked over to the security officers. "My duties here are done. I will now return to my men." He said simply to them. Then without another word he was escorted out of the sickbay by security.


Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson
CMO, USS Wayfarer



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