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Surrender- And Not By Choice!

Posted on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 8:23pm by Captain Akeno Misaki & Commander Mashiro Munetani "Shiro" & Lieutenant Commander Raelyn Mckenzie

Mission: Return to Tyra
Location: USS Wayfarer (NCC-72113)- Transporter Room 1, Deck 4
Timeline: Concurrently with "Calling For Backup"

Raelyn walked hastily and with purpose, with her phaser rifle in her hands. Behind her was two dozen security and tactical officers, with practically the same armament, who were walking at the same exact pace, upon approach to the room, Raelyn looked to the two officers to her left and right. "Murphey, Vok, cover the door" she ordered.

"Aye ma'am" said the officers before sliding over to cover the door. One of them would cover the outside, while the other would cover the inside.

Raelyn said to the others. "Treat this as a breach. They are supposed to be behind a forcefield, but that doesn't mean they weren't able to escape for some reason" They probably didn't but you never really knew with the Jem'Hadar, or any other hostile enemy for that matter.

As soon as she ordered that, half of her officers stood behind her against the bulkhead, where the other six stood on the opposite end of the door on the bulkhead. "On my Command... breach!"

The Officers poured into the transporter room and surrounded the transporter PADD, which did have the force-field intact. Raelyn tapped her badge. "Mckenzie to Misaki, my team is present in the transporter room and surrounding the transporter pad."

"Understood," Akeno's voice replied. "The transporter Chief has their patterns in the buffer. Three are injured and will be beamed into sickbay, we'll be rematerialising the rest now."

As soon as the force field was up, three shimmering curtains of light began to materialize on the transporter pad. once they had dispersed, Raelyn and her company found themselves staring down a trio of surly reptiloids, their darker complexion and bony, mohawk-like ridges running down the center of their scalps denoting them as the more primitive "Gamma" subspecies of Jem'Hadar, compared to their genetically- and intellectually-refined "Alpha" contemporaries. Once their initial bout of confusion had worn off and the trio of Gammas locked eyes with Raelyn and her team, their faces contorted into a hateful scowl; withdrawing their shock-blades, they unleashed a fearful war-cry and charged forward...

Only to careen headfirst into the force field and topple over like a slapstick comedy act.

Raelyn tilted her head. They probably weren't getting anywhere. Yet. She knew not to underestimate the Jem'Hadar, and how far they were willing to go. She said nothing, weapon pointed at the forcefield, finger on the trigger. If they managed to get through, her team would be ready.

Ensigns Murphy and Vok stayed frosty at their locations at the door, while the rest of the officers had a similar stance as Raelyn's.

Standing back up, the Gammas began to feel around and immediately identified the presence of a force field that separated them from the Security team. Perhaps not surprisingly to anyone who had had the displeasure of fighting them for the past two years, they immediately set about trying to force their way out, hacking at the invisible barrier with their shock-blades. Fortunately for Raelyn and her team, their efforts were of little to no avail, as the force field (miraculously) held fast. But as the minutes began to tick by and the Gammas refused to let up in their assault without so much as breaking a sweat, relief quickly turned back to concern, in so much as the fact the force field wouldn't be able to hold for much longer.

Her officers' phasers were already on high stun, and she made sure of it. She nodded to Murphy and Vok to prepare for a possible skirmish. They were already signalling for reinforcements out of anyone who hadn't been dispatched to sickbay. Turning back to face the Jem'Hadar, she ordered Lieutenant Humphries, "Try and reinforce the energy field."

To the Jem'Hadar's, she spoke in a commanding voice, "I suggest you stop your attack, you won't like what will happen next" she said in reference to the fact that her company of officers were essentially outnumbered 12-3, not including herself.

One of the Gammas looked up at her and snarled.

"If you think we fear death, weakling, you are sorely mistaken," he hissed. "To die fighting in the name of our glorious Founders is a fate far more desirable than surrendering like cowards to our mortal enemies."

Raelyn raised an eyebrow at the Gamma's comment. "Who said we were still enemies?" she stopped herself before correcting that statement. "Well, besides the unprovoked attack on us."

"Don't act like you don't already know," the Gamma issued in a low, threatening tone. "You could've saved yourself all this trouble if you had just committed yourselves to the Founders, but you had the audacity to defy them!"

Raelyn snorted. "And we succeeded. I believe the war ended, in a little piece of text, called "The Treaty of Bajor?" she quickly nodded to the transporter chief to get him to transport the three Gamma's to the brig. Turning back to the Gamma, "Or are you too dense to understand that the war is over" Raelyn challenged.

The Gamma answered that question for Raelynn by slamming his fist up against the force field.

"We shall not accept your lies!" he snarled. "The Founders would never bow to such lowly dissidents as yourself!"

"Would they?" Raelyn challenged.

"Subservience to the Founders is unconditional!" the Gamma proclaimed. "Concession is non-negotiable! Victory... is... LIFE!"

"Victory is life!" the three began to chant in unison. "Victory is life!! Victory is life!!!"

Raelyn's comm badge chirped and Akeno's voice came from it. "Raelyn, have the transporter chief beam them to the Brig. Then I need to talk to their leader, if they have one." She said. "So, bring him upto the ready room when the others are sorted."

Before she could respond the transporter chief spoke up. "Ready Commander" he said.

She gave a ignore them look to her company. They couldn't give in, even if they were Jem'Hadar. Looking back to the Gammas, she spoke up to the one who had done most of the talking, and who was chanting the loudest. "Are you the First?"

"Acting First," the Gamma corrected. "Not that it is of any concern to you weaklings."

"It's concern enough for me" she looked at the transporter chief. "Beam the other two to the brig"

"Aye ma'am" he said before the other two gammas disappeared in a blue hue.

"Cowards!" the First snarled. "You would deny yourself a fair fight?!"

She simply ignored the acting first. She tapped her badge. "Mckenzie to Misaki. We're ready to transport the first to you, do you have a forcefield in place for the first?" She asked, not wanting to take any chances.

A few seconds later Akeno responded. "I have a containment field in place up here in the ready room. I think its best if you have some security officers on standby too."

"Aye ma'am, we'll be up shortly. Mckenzie out" she said before turning to some of her officers. "Roscoe, Martinez, Hok, Vok, Humphries, get ready for transport. Turning to the First, she said sternly. "You too."

Raelyn turned to the chief. "Beam us to the ready room. Transport the First into the containment field" she ordered.

"Aye ma'am. Ready to transport."

The transporter powered up and both The First and Raelyn were transported away in a haze of blue and white light.

To be continued....


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