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Covertly Reporting for Duty

Posted on Tue Sep 19th, 2023 @ 6:13pm by Lieutenant Vrax tr'Keirianh

Mission: Cracks in the mirror
Location: In the Vicinity of Both Wayfarers
Timeline: Current

[IRW Sadira - Converted Federation Type-10 Shuttlecraft]

The assignment to the Warfarer was already proving to be more interesting and complicated than the Romulan Science Officer had expected. The shuttlecraft and supplies he'd been provided with were meant to serve as a 'gift' to Starfleet and the vessel on which he would serve, but already it was proving to be more than that as Vrax had picked up not only his intended ship but another, similar vessel that showed some irregularities on the sensors before he decided to drop out of warp a further distance away than he'd initially planned.

As soon as the two Intrepid-Class Vessels appeared at the longest of views the visual sensors could manage, Vrax had activated the miniaturized cloaking device that had been integrated into the Type-10's unique systems, causing the shuttle to disappear from not only view but also sensors of the two ships to allow the oncoming Science Officer to take the proper time to appraise himself of the situation he had unexpectedly stumbled into.

Slowly approaching under impulse power, Vrax was able to determine that the heavily modified 'Wayferer' had seemingly attacked and disabled the other 'Wayfarer'. No matter the similarities between the two ships, the differences went well beyond the additional weapon systems integrated into the victor. The Romulus Ministry of Science had long known of the presence of an alternate universe, but this was the first time Vrax had bore witness to actual evidence of such.

Studying the sensor readings, the differences between the two quickly became apparent, as the ISS Wayfarer molecular signature proved anomalous to anything else in this universe; having the previously recorded variances that separated those of Prime and Mirror entities. With the shields on both ships down, it was easy for Vrax to scan deeper, taking account of not only the crew compliments of each ship but of the origins of the crew on each. Quickly the narrative of what had happened and what was taking place became known to the Romulan Scientist and presented him an opportunity to make the perfect first impression on his newly-assigned crew.

Moving into the limited transporter range of the Prime Wayfarer of the shuttle before setting it to linger in its concealed state, Vrax set the command codes to react only to his Romulan communicator before heading to the rear of the shuttle to collect the small crate of supplies as well as his own personal arms before stepping onto the transporter pad. Having done the math and entered the proper settings for such a point-to-point transport, the Romulan's chest expanded with a deep breath of preparation before he hit the button to initiate the beaming.

In only a few moments, the Terrans would discover that they weren't as in control of the situation as they'd probably come to believeā€¦


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