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How Can That Be?

Posted on Mon Aug 10th, 2020 @ 3:45pm by Captain Michael Meezo & Lieutenant Nyysa Maldonado
Edited on on Mon Aug 10th, 2020 @ 3:52pm

Mission: The Avenger
Location: USS Wayfarer, Science Labs
Timeline: Present


{USS Wayfarer; Deck Seven - Sciences Labs}

Mike had made his way down to the science department on deck seven, leaving Lieutenant Commander Maddox in charge on the bridge.

As he left the bridge, helm had informed him that they were now less than an hour away from the Bajoran system, and the Rolor Nebula. As he turned the final corner of the corridor before reaching the science labs, he found his mind wandering once again. Captain John Dante, the commanding officer of the Avenger, wasn’t known for taking risks. So how and why did the Avenger end up where she possibly did? This mystery would hopefully be solved swiftly.

“Lieutenant Maldonado, may I have your report please?” The Captain walked into the labs to find his Chief Science Officer leaning over the piece of semi-charred hull plating, deep in thought.

Nyysa chuckled. Where the hell was she even supposed to start? This whole thing read like one of Kirk's adventures. Nobody was ever quite sure how much of the old Enterprise's mission logs were real, and how much of it was him yanking the brass' chain.

"You came all the way down here, I might as well," she teased, lightly. He didn't seem to mind too much. "In addition to the spectral analysis, I ran a molecular analysis, studied the hull plating's degradation and ran it through quantum dating. Two things of note; one, there's evidence of phaser fire. Not abnormal considering that the Federation was at war and resources weren't as abundant back then. The second thing I found is more important. This hull plating is only about eleven-hundred days old."

Mike found himself lost for words for a moment. “If I’ve understood you right, you’re saying that this piece of hull plating is only three years old?” Nyysa nodded in the affirmative. “But, this ship has been missing for 216 years. How can the hull plating only be three years old?”

"Options on that are limited to science is weird or aliens did it. From the evidence we have, I'm going to go with a temporal distortion or anomaly." The tachyon radiation she found didn't mesh with the Rolor Nebula's composition. "It's either been in some kind of stasis or it went through an anomaly two centuries go and popped out on this side. I won't know which until we find more of her."

“Thank you for your thorough analysis, Lieutenant. I’ll return to the bridge and inform the bridge crew of your findings.” Mike nodded, before slightly delaying his exit and turned back towards Nyysa, “Would you care to join me on the bridge? Given how close we are to the nebula, I could use your scientific knowledge.”

"Well, that is what I'm here for." Nyysa motioned to the Assistant Chief Science Officer, effectively leaving the lab in his very capable hands, before falling in with her new captain.


Captain Michael Meezo
Commanding Officer
USS Wayfarer, NCC-72113


Lieutenant Nyysa Maldonado
Chief Science Officer
USS Wayfarer, NCC-72113


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