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Meeting and Scheduling

Posted on Mon Sep 14th, 2020 @ 8:26pm by Captain Akeno Misaki & Captain Dick Sprague & Lieutenant Commander Zoey Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Whistela Au’rel & Lieutenant Tyvok & Lieutenant Basil Dampfish & Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell & Lieutenant Ithi Deritan

Mission: Nothing To Fear...
Location: Conference Room
Timeline: Current


{Starbase 57, Corridor}

Halfway to the transporter room, Sprague changed his mind. One more burger, he thought. And a chocolate sundae. "Food Court," he said as he entered the turbo lift with all his bags and suitcases in tow. The Wayfarer could wait. It wasn't leaving for a few days, it's not like he was going to miss it.

"Taking a trip?" asked the other person in the elevator.

"Yes," Sprague replied, just leaving it at that. This time next week he was going to be retired, or so he thought.

{USS Wayfarer}

After coming aboard the state of the Wayfarer was not good in the slightest. Commander Misaki had seen the extent of the damage and had spent the last couple of hours helping repairs, meeting some of the crew and discussing the repair schedule with the dockyard engineers. They had finally managed to get the Comm System back online, finally she could contact the senior officers all at once and see where everyone was at. Hopefully this would kill two birds with one stone, she'll get to meet the crew chiefs and they could come up with plans as to how to speed up and get the Wayfarer back into action.

She tapped her comm badge on her chest. "All department heads currently on board. This is Commander Akeno Misaki, the new Executive Officer. Please report to the conference room on deck one as soon as possible" she said. With that said she crossed the bridge which was lit by dim light and stepped into the conference room. The Captain wasn't aboard yet, so it was her job to get things together.

Lieutenant Commander Zoey Perkins was under the main flight control console on the bridge repairing. She heard her summing to the conference lounge so she finished her work which took 7 minutes to complete. After that was done she got up and entered the lounge upon entering she nodded to the Commander.

Ithi walks into the lounge wearing her standard civie outfit, but with the combadge on her jacket, nodding to those present and takes a seat.

Rosaleen entered the room a few minutes after Ithi and, upon seeing an empty chair next to her moved to take the seat, sitting the handful of PADDs she was carrying onto the desk. She gave Ithi a warm smile before picking up a PADD and continuing with the last task she was working on.

Ithi returns the smile to rosaleen while she checks her own padd for some things.

Talla made her way to the meeting. After finding her usual seat, she was still recovering from the attacks of Lord Chaos. She mostly ignored the crew, as she could sense there feelings. Talla wasn't feeling much better. She adjusted her uniform as she sat down.

Basil stepped into the conference room, scanning the room briefly before settling into a chair at the table. He could see the door reflected in the window just to the left of his main field of view.

Tyvok was in his office going over the duty rosters when he heard the call. For a moment, he ignored it, as he was originally not a senior officer. Then it dawned on him, and he quickly dropped it PADD and headed out the door towards the turbolift.

Once everyone had arrived, Akeno sat at the head of the table. Usually it would be where the Captain would sit. However right now she was the only command officer on board. She looked round at all the faces, it seemed like an interesting bunch of officers to say the least.

"Well good morning everyone" she greeted them all with a smile. "I'm Commander Akeno Misaki, from today I'm you're new Exec" she told them all. "I thought it only be prudent to bring us all together before our new Captain comes aboard. I wanted to see what you're all like, plus get some status reports from your departments on the repairs to the ship" she explained softly. "Obviously, Starfleet wants us back out there as soon as possible, so lets go around the table. You may know each other, but I don't. So please, introduce yourself and give me a status report on each of your departments".

Zoey stood behind a chair on the Xo's left side. "Lieutenant Commander Perkins Second officer & Flight control... Status unknown just arrived onboard."

"Well that makes sense" Akeno replied. She looked towards the next person in line.

Thinks to herself with a sigh, of course bring in new command level, don't promote from within, oh well, its how the regular starfleet operated, she speaks softly "Lieutenant Deritan, Intel is fine"

"I see" Akeno replied addressing the plain clothed officer. "So, is there any particular reason why you wear civilian clothes?" she asked curiously. She had never come across anyone other than ships counselors which didn't wear the uniform.

She smiles softly "Many reasons, best one being can't really infiltrate or get people talking to you even on board letting secrets slip when your looking all official can you ma'am"

"Well there is that" Akeno said. "However, could I ask that for briefings or official events you wear some sort of uniform? I don't want to be explaining all that to our new captain if he asks" Akeno asked, her tone was polite and soft.

She sighs "If required, aye ma'am" thinks how she hates that bloody monkey suit "though There should also be a special eyes only file in the captains ready room awaiting him regarding me that should explain that and more ma'am, but I will comply"

Zoey turned her head facing the Intelligence officer. "Lieutenant Deritan." She spoke calmly but seemed angary. "Commander Misaki is the acting captain and at this time I'm acting Executive Officer... The Commander has told you what she expects from you as a individual. Carry her wishes out... My punishments are not made of sweet honey."

"Easy Commander, she said that she'll do it. We're not at that sort of level yet. We're not the Enterprise are we" Akeno said raising a hand to calm Zoey. "Lets keep it relaxed for now shall we"

"Aye sir." Zoey said turning away from Lieutenant Deritan.

"Lieutenant Basil Dampfish, Chief Tactical Officer. The brig is a mess, and we are short on security personnel. There are compromised doors across the ship, but the internal sensor and utility systems are basically sound. We will have full external sensors before our departure from this station, but we will be at half shields maximum for at least a week. Diagnostics are still running, but it looks like we'll be quite busy for a while. The collective damage does not appear to be deliberate, targeted sabotage, but more of an attempt to contain and isolate systems."

Once Basil had finished, Talla felt she was next on the list as the rather young looking Captain gazed at her. She could feel the mental tag tugging at her.

"Well, the Counseling Department has been working non stop for last week. Chaos, did a number on the crew. Now, that I'm fully staffed with an Intern, Aid, and Yeoman. Things should go quicker. Lt. Berry has been a big help, on loan from the Sutherland. I request he stay with us for at least another week if not longer. He's built a relationship with a few crewmates. It would hinder there mental recovery to pull him too soon. Otherwise, the crew is strong mentally. Otherwise, I would prescribe a week on Risa at the least."

Ithi looks at zoey and shakes her head " First off Ma'am" the ma'am respectful but venomous " The captain has been assigned already just not on board, hence you are not the acting exec you are in fact the second officer, second, Your punishments will be sweet honey, after what Lord Chaos put this ship and crew through and after having had my ass ridden for the last three years by a full four pip admiral, I kinda look forward to some light punishment"

"As the Exec mentioned you and her don't know us, Hell I barely know most of the crew, but respect is earned not just given, not that i care about anyone giving me respect or not, I'll do my damn duty, but before you bite someones head off think on this, praise is public wrapping knuckles is private. the mark of a true leader" *Ithi finishes with "Ma'am"

As Ithi was finishing her dialog, Rosaleen reached over and lightly touched her arm. The effect was immediate, and Ithi visibly relaxed.

Tella chimed in, hoping to break the now foul mood in the air.

"And, I'd say she needs two weeks on Risa and a few jello-shots."

The tension was palpable, even to Tyvok, so he stayed silent until the second officer and intelligence officer had been quiet for a few moments. “I am lieutenant Tyvok, recently promoted to chief engineer, formerly the computer systems specialist, commander. As previously noted, the previous mission left the ship in disrepair and short staffed. I have prioritized the most essential systems for repair, but most of our new transfers are fresh recruits that require guidance and training. Currently I am focusing our efforts on life support, propulsion systems, defensive systems, and essential computer systems. Any assistance from other departments on the more minor repairs would be greatly appreciated. However, if your replicator or sonic shower are malfunctioning, I ask that you extend your patience.”

"Lieutenant O'Donnell." Rosaleen chimed in. "Ships Operations and Logistics. My team is working with Lieutenant Tyvok's to get things put back together. We should be ready to go on time with no issues, but several of the repairs will need to be worked on during our transition. However, I do not expect any issues."

"Right then" Akeno said. "I understand that you all went through a lot on your last mission. However Starfleet has given us fourteen hours to get en route to Earth" she explained.

"I know its not ideal, but let's get the primary systems operational, anything that can be fixed en route will have to be done as so" Akeno explained. "I want you all to get this ship as operational as you can in that time. I look forward to seeing what you can all do. Any questions?"

Zoey crossed her arms still on her feet looked down at her and said "None sir."

Ithi shakes her head "None Ma'am"

A moments silence fell upon the room. "Well then, dismissed" Akeno ordered. She could see the potential in this crew, now it was time for some action.

Posting by

Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Wayfarer

Commander Akeno Misski
Executive Officer
USS Wayfarer

Lieutenant Commander Zoey Perkins
Second Officer & Chief Flight Control
USS Wayfarer

Lieutenant Ithi Deritan
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Wayfarer

LCDR. Whistela Au'rel
Ships Counselor
USS Wayfarer

Lieutenant Rosaleen O'Donnell
Chief of Operations and Logistics
USS Wayfarer

Lieutenant Tyvok
Chief Engineer
USS Wayfarer

Lieutenant Basil Dampfish
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Wayfarer


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