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Not looking for answers

Posted on Sat Aug 15th, 2020 @ 4:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Maddox & Lieutenant Scott Hayes

Mission: The Avenger
Location: Sick Bay

Maddox was pacing up and down his quarters. He had a doctors appointment shortly. This a standard one before be given clearance for duty. He had feeling deep down that there was something to found this time. And if so he didn't know he was going to explain it.

Leaving his quarters he walked down to the medical bay with a somber look on his face. He was fighting fit as far as he knew. Walking into medical " Doc you hear?" He called just loud enough that he wouldn't disturb to many people.

Scott wheeled his chair over to the opening in his office that went into the main sickbay, "Yeah, how can I help?" he asked giving a quick visual scan of the man to see if it was an emergency. "Oh, Commander Maddox? Checking in for your appointment?"

"yes doc" he sat down on the bed " Doc I am going to be straight with you. When you are doing scans of my body please check for any tracking device. I have a feeling I am being kept tabs on" Maddox sat there waiting for the doc to start his scans.

" Other than that I am fine" he said confidently.

"An odd request, but sure," Scott began his scans, making sure he was being as thorough as possible to meet the Commander's requests. Nothing was showing up. "Everything is looking fine on the scans, but being worried about a tracker, with all due respect, is concerning to me." He put away his scanners on a nearby tray and returned his gaze.

Jason wondered if he should tell the man exactly what was going on. "This is the story doc" He paused for more effect thank anything. " Dose the name Section 31 mean any thing to you? Six years Ago my DNA and a LT. Frost from the Enterprise have had them removed from ourselves along with 5 other children who are also on the Enterprise".

He let the man digest the information for a bit. " I have had the feeling ever since that I am being watched 31. And I am not sure what 31 one has instore for the officers and the kids they have stolen DNA from." He was nervous of how much more he should expose right now.

"There are enough stories, legends, fairytales going around about Section 31 for me to believe they are something, but what that something is I don't know what. Secrets and lies are by their nature the vert antithesis of what we in the medical field are about. So, naturally, I tend not to pay them much attention," the doctor began, "However, if they are this all knowing, all powerful organisation," he made air quotes around the all-knowing parts," they may have access to things above my scanners. So in that regard I can, unfortunately, make no promises Commander."

Scott turned to his PADD to begin updating his notes, "Not to sound disrespectful Commander, but have you made an appointment with the councilor yet? This may be something that can be directed to there, repressed memories possibly of things that happened. What I can do, for now, is take the scans I have and run them through very detailed analysis. Compare them to all scans you have received during your time in Starfleet if that would help put your mind at ease?"

Maddox nodded in agreement with the Doctor " I will book a appointment to see them when we are done. In the mean time I take it you have not found anything untoward though in your scans. And how's the health in General."

"A picture of health otherwise Commander," Scott replied as he made his final notes and begun to put everything away. "I will be making a note about your concerns though against your record should any other physician have to treat you, so they are aware and can treat accordingly."

Lt.commander Jason Maddox
Chief Security Officer
USS Wayfarer


Lieutenant Scott Hayes
Chief Medical Officer
USS Wayfarer


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