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Posted on Thu Sep 10th, 2020 @ 8:03pm by Lieutenant Tyvok

Mission: Nothing To Fear...
Location: Chief Engineer's Office
Timeline: Prime

Location: Chief Engineer's Office

Tyvok sat at the desk, looking at the pip box in front of him, holding a single gold pip and a medal of valor.

He had been interviewed as to what happened on the Wayfarer that lead to most of the crew going MIA. He had recollected as best he could how he last saw Lt Paxton in the mess hall getting coffee before it all went down. That as the fighting erupted, he had hidden in a jeffries tube with a phaser, barely staving off the psionic assault of Lord Chaos (likely due to his own Vulcan psionic training).

The rescue team from the Lexington had found him still there, clutching his phaser. They assumed he, along with the few survivors, had fought Lord Chaos off.

He was absolutely truthful to the investigators, but they acted as if they did not understand what he was saying. He was leap frogged over Lt(jg) all the way to full lieutenant. They assigned him as Chief Engineer, despite his protestations. Tyvok barely met qualifications in warp reactor engineering, and served as the ship's computer specialist.

It was clear the admiralty had wanted to sweep the whole matter under the rug as fast as possible, and had declared the survivors heroes in order to obscure the fact that Lord Chaos was back on the loose.

Ensign Rodriguez, the reactor specialist, knocked on the door frame as he entered. "Chief, we have some fresh recruits reporting in from the Starbase. Would you like me to go over the duty roster?"

Tyvok looked up from his desk, "...that would be prudent."

"Also, sir... the deuterium injectors were cracked during the last mission, and spot welded. Regs say we should replace the entire manifold, but that will take a few weeks. I think we could replace just the cracked injector, which would only take a few days, but it's not recommended by the regs. What do you think?"

Tyvok thought for a moment, "...I trust your judgment on the matter."

Lieutenant Tyvok had a lot of reading to do..


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