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Planting some seeds

Posted on Wed Sep 9th, 2020 @ 3:49am by Lieutenant Basil Dampfish

Mission: Nothing To Fear...
Location: Starbase 57
Timeline: Prior to Wayfarer's arrival

{Starbase 57}

The Wayfarer was not due to arrive for several more days. Checking the station itinerary, Basil noticed a freighter inbound from Qualor II, due to arrive in four hours. Perhaps they would have some insights that might prove valuable. Given the proximity to Ferengi space, they might even have some interesting cargo.


{Starbase 57, botanic garden}

"Captain Teryn?"

She turned from the display of a Stylophorum Ulmoides to see a tall, slender human standing nearby. "That is me. And you are?"

"Lieutenant Basil Dampfish at your service. I understand you recently arrived from Qualor II?"

"Recently, yes. How did you find me here, and what do you want?"

"Three months in deep space on a Huron-class freighter means you are unlikely to desire more dark, noisy, crowded rooms like the local bars. This," sweeping his arm around as he approached closer, "seems more likely to recharge the spirit, and probably smells better."

"I'll give you that one. What is it you want, Lieutenant?"

"Just to talk for a moment. I'm seeking something uncommon in this sector - a good cup of coffee. I was hoping you might have encountered some recently."

She turned back to the Stylophorum, its buds still small and red. "That is a matter for the ship and its purser, Lieutenant. I am surprised you would even bother me with it."

"What of your crew, then? You are short-handed, no?"

"We are. If you have our itinerary, you also have our manifest. What of it?"

"Just validating some information. I'll leave you to your contemplations, Captain. Thank you for your time." With a slight bow, Basil turned for the exit.


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