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Between a rock and a hard place?

Posted on Thu Sep 3rd, 2020 @ 11:53pm by Commander Brig Sito

Mission: Nothing To Fear...
Location: Wayfarer Bridge
Timeline: Day 1 - Follows on from Expect the Unexpected

The bridge turbo lift doors opened and Sito headed to his seat next to the Captain.

"Any update on the search?" Meezo asked.

"No Captain, so far we have found no clue to Lord Chaos's location. Security team are currently sweeping deck 3 and moving down to engineering. I have ordered them to check in every 10 minutes. Ensign Rizola, have all team checked in?"

"Yes sir. No wait, team 2 are overdue" she called in alarm.

"Meezo to Conners, report?" the silence was deadly as all eyes drifted towards the Captain. "Computer, what is the location of Lt. Conners?"

=/\= Lt. Conners is on deck 3, section 4 =/\= the computer confirmed.

"Security teams 1, 3 and 5 go to deck 3 section 4. Find Lt. Conners."

Suddenly the comm system sent out an ear piercing tone, deafening all on the bridge crew then silence. Sito rolled onto his knees and pulled his hands from his ears. Drops of blood rolled through his fingers. His hearing subdued, it felt like hearing voices under water, a voice but not understandable.

"Is everyone ok?" Sito called. some of the bridge crew were slowly regaining composure, many with drops of blood on the side of their faces. Sito looked and saw many acknowledging his question. He turned to Meezo, the Captains body remained still on the floor, blood streaming from his nose and ears. "CAPTAIN!" he shouted. All eyes turned once again. Sito checked for a pulse "Bridge to Sickbay. Medical emergency on the bridge" Sito started CPR on his commanding officer.

=/\= Doctor Hodges here, we have many reports of casualties all over the ship Commander, I will send someone as soon as I can =/\=

"Do it now Doctor, the Captain is hurt and doesn't have a pulse. now doing CPR"

=/\= Acknowledged, someone is on their way =/\=

Rizola jumped down from tactical and cleared Meezo's airways, and with training she never thought she'd use, started life breaths on the Captain as Sito continued chest compressions.

Time stood still as they worked on the Captain. "Clear, clear!" shouted Doctor Hodges as both he and a nurse took over care of the Captain. Sito and Rizola stepped back. Sito clenched his fists and bit his lip, making it bleed, looking at the Captains helpless form.

"Sito to security, have to found Lt. Conners yet?"

=/\= Yes sir, he's dead. It looks like whatever happened here caused him to claw out his own eyes =/\=

The comm system of the Wayfarer suddenly came to life.

"Crew of the Wayfarer, listen to my words. No more of you need to die today. All I require is your obedience. You will be mine to command. Together we destroy the weak so the strong prosper. This is the way!"

"Shut that son of a bitch up!" Sito answered aggressively. "Doctor, how is the Captain?"

"We have him stabilized and can now move him" The nurse unfolded a stretcher and slowly moved the Captain onto it, heading towards the turbo lift.

"i will not let that animal roam the ship and harm anyone else. Reynolds, launch a distress buoy with our ship logs, hopefully the signal with get picked up by a Federation ship?"

"Buoy away sir" the CONN officer called.

Sito pulled down his tunic and turned to see the Captain leave the bridge and tapped his comm-badge.

"This is Commander Sito, all hands abandon ship, I repeat, all hands abandon ship this is not a drill!"

The alert audible changed but the bridge crew remained at their stations. Sito looked around "I gave an order now move it people!" Several moved but Reynolds and Rizola stayed firm at their posts. Sito looked at them both and both nodded their response, they were with the XO.

"Computer, this is Commander Brig Sito, authorize auto destruct, for 15 minutes, silent running, code 1-1A-2B-3"

=/\= Confirmed =/\=

"This is Ensign Beth Rizola, authorize auto destruct, authorization code, Gamma-two-two-delta-five."

=/\= Confirmed =/\=

"Thank you both, now to your escape pods" Sito ordered.

"Aye aye sir" they both said in unison and hastily left the bridge. Sito sat in the Captain chair, watching the escape pods on the view screen going further out of view. The countdown display was down to 5 minutes and the computer confirmed two souls remained on board the Wayfarer.

He stood up for the last time on the bridge of the USS Wayfarer and straightened his tunic. "Time to go" he smiled and turned to the turbo lift. The doors opened and Chaos launched himself on the XO, the bodies hit the floor with a thud as Chaos tried to clasp his hands around Sito's neck, trying to end his life! The two rolled about, both fighting to get the upper hand.There was no skill involved in this fight, it was pure survival instincts!

The counter ticked down to the final two minutes..........


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