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Alcohol & Attraction

Posted on Wed Aug 24th, 2022 @ 2:13am by Captain Akeno Misaki

Mission: When on Risa...
Location: Pau'Aulani Main Bar

It was late evening, after a meal and a quick walk around the resort, Akeno was looking for a place to relax. The resort was quite large, with several floors for guest rooms and activities during the day. You could do everything from swimming in the large swimming pool, to booking adventure trips up into Risa's mountains. It was the perfect resort for anyone to relax no matter what they were into. However what Akeno liked the most was the fresh air, sea views and overall relaxed atmosphere.

As she entered the resort's bar she noticed it wasn't very busy. According to the information board, it held regular bar events such as quizzes, karaoke and 'happy hour' on different days. However nothing seemed to be scheduled for tonight, so only a few people were sat in small groups or by themselves.

Sighing she made her way towards the bar and pulled up a stool.

"What can I get you?" the Risian bar tender asked. Akeno wasn't too sure what she actually wanted, something to ease her out a little.

"Not sure, something to help me relax," she replied.

"I have just the thing!" the bar tender said as he clicked his fingers together. He turned and pulled down a bottle of green liquid. Soon the liquid sat in the bottom of a crystal glass.

"Aldebaran Whiskey huh..." a male voice said from Akeno's right. It was enough to catch her attention as she looked towards who had spoken. The man sat there was Human, she could tell that much at least. He had bright blue eyes and mousy brown hair. A little bit of stubble around his chin and sat there with his shirt open.

Akeno couldn't help but notice he had a well built six pack on his chest with only a little bit of hair. His arms were muscly and his skin had a slight tan to it. Although she couldn't really tell, he seemed to be rather tall and well built.

"Oh thats what it is?" Akeno replied as she stopped herself from staring. She could feel her heart beginning to pound in her chest, the urge to look at the man again was strong. But she couldn't just sit and stare at him, he might think she was looking at something she shouldn't be.

'Well... It also must be.... NO Akeno! NO!' she mentally began to avoid her own lewd thoughts.

"Indeed it is..." he held out a hand "Erm... I didn't catch your name?"

Akeno felt a slight tightness in her chest, she could feel blood rushing into her face. "A...Akeno Misaki," she replied stuttering slightly. 'Whats wrong with me? What is this?'

"Nice to meet you Akeno. I can call you Akeno right, I know that... Japanese believe its very intimate to call someone by their first name?" the man asked.

'Intimate!' Akeno looked up at him. "Yes intimate. That that I..." she cut herself off. "I don't really mind. That tradition only really works in Japan..." she said her cheeks still a little pink.

"Hmm..." the man said. "Well in that case Akeno, you can call me Xander Benson" he told her. Before she knew it, Xander had moved up and was now sitting on the barstool next to her. "You look a little flushed Akeno..." he said noticing the redness in her face.

"Oh. I'm not used to the heart... I mean heat... yeah heat. Thats all," she told him cursing herself in her mind over her stumble. Why was she suddenly attracted to this man, it was a strange feeling.

"I see!" Xander laughed. "Well, let me get you something to drink. Thats if you'll allow a guy like me to drink with a pretty woman like you?"

"I...I...I Don't mind," Akeno replied as the bar tender placed more drinks in front of them. Xander picked up the glass and began to chug down the liquid inside. Akeno on the other hand gently sipped the contents, it was clear she wasn't used to alcohol.

Xander began to chuckle. "Come on Akeno, catch up a little. Don't leave me alone here" he laughed as he tapped her glass causing her to gulp down more of the whiskey. The burning sensation in her throat caused her to couch and splutter, to which Xander only laughed playfully. He patted her on the back. "You know, I find you rather cute Akeno. I came here to get away from the stresses of daily life, I didn't think I'd find such a cutie like you"

Akeno, her faced now flushed and her head a little dizzy looked at Xander. "I'm a cutie huh?" she asked, her words beginning to slur.

"You're quite the light weight I see..." Xander grinned.

"I am. Not!" Akeno said as she turned sharply to face the bar. "Oi! Bar keep. Another one! Keep them coming!" she demanded as she banged her fist on the bar. The bar tender looked over and to Xander for approval, who simply nodded.

"You heard the lady. She wants more" he said. "You have to keep these Starfleet Captains happy you know!"

"How... Did you know?!" Akeno asked at the sudden referal to her job. She wasn't too sure now if she had told him.

"I was right?" Xander laughed. "It was a genuine joke. You're really a Captain? What ship do you command?"

"Yes!" Akeno replied as she took the drink off the bartender and downed it quickly. "Starship... Wayfarer!" she told him. "But now its holiday time!" she began to sway on her stool as her eyes began to flutter.

"Now now!" Xander said jumping off his stool and catching Akeno. It was evident that Akeno had had too much. He gently steadied her before sliding her off the bar stool, carrying her like a bride out of the bar. He gently laid her down on one of the benches outside the bar.

"I should get you home. Where;s your room key?" he muttered as he searched her pockets. However he found nothing.

"Dunno..." Akeno muttered as she came around slightly. "I have it..." she said. "Here!" she pointed to her chest.

"Oh... wait. You keep things in there?"

Akeno didn't respond as she snoozed. Xander gulped as he looked around, he didn't want anyone to think he was taking advantage of her. Luckily no one was around, placing a hand gently on her belly he could feel she was breathing. "Very cute, very flat belly" he muttered amusingly before proceeding upwards and removing the door key which had been lodged securely in Akeno's bra.

"Flat there too I see..." he sighed. Akeno's hand came from no where and simply slapped him across the face as if she could hear him in her sleep. He rubbed his face, it didn't exactly hurt but it was amusing.

"I guess I deserved that" he said as he picked her up again and carried her to her room. He wasn't one to take advantage of a drunk woman. "I'm going to stay with you tonight Akeno, in case you need anything. Is that ok?"

Akeno now passed out didn't respond as she was carried in his strong arms. "I'll take that as a yes" he smirked. "No one said you would be this cute, I can't wait to....."

Posting by

Captain Akeno Misaki
Commanding Officer
USS Wayfarer

Xander Benson


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