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New Website Updates!

Posted on Tue Oct 13th, 2020 @ 2:50pm by Captain Akeno Misaki
Edited on Tue Oct 13th, 2020 @ 2:50pm

To all crew

I have done a few updates to the website. These include the following:

1. The history of the Wayfarer. After some research it turns out there are actual ships named the Wayfarer through History. There was also a Star Trek Wayfarer destroyed in the Dominion War. So I've put all my research findings onto the USS Wayfarer page for you to read and enjoy. We now have a ship legacy!

2. I have put in some simm rules. Don't be alarmed when you first look! It may seem like a HUGE list. However they cover everything we need to know. I have used these rules before and updated and they have worked for a good 10+ years. They still allow for flexibility and creativity whilst preventing unrealism and the just plain stupid from happening. (Trust me, I've seen it all).

Have a quick read through them, you'll find they're not that bad.

You can find them on the Rules Page

3. Finally, we have a new snazzy skin that I created for us all. I think it looks nice and it makes us stand out from the other ships in the fleet. Admiral Charles and Gillis were kind enough to allow me to do this so please send them plenty of cookies and hugs!

4. The manifest has now been arranged in a suitable order. Departments with bridge positions are towards the top working our way down to the lower decks (insert ST Lower Decks reference here maybe...). Also the Chief Security and Chief Tactical Officer position has been combined to cover both. That makes Lieutenant Dampfish our new Chief Security/Tactical Officer! :)

5. Lastly, I made us a nice trendy patch for our front page. It's quite pretty and fits in nicely with the rest of the website.

Things still yet to be completed
- Insert Tour Items and Images
- Neaten up some of the HTML and images around the site.


Commander Akeno Misaki


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