Lieutenant Lance Silvo

Name Lance Carter Silvo

Position Assistant Chief Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft
Weight 180lbs
Hair Color Light brown
Eye Color Gray-green
Physical Description A broad shouldered man with several facial scars earned through years of war. A C shaped cut under his right eye and a vertical cut on the left side of his jaw. He has thin lips, pointed nose and a light complexion. His face looks stern when at rest.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Heinrich Silvo
Mother Gloria Silvo (deceased)
Brother(s) and / or Sister(s) Heinrich Silvo II “Henry” older brother (Deceased)
Julia Silvo younger sister

Personality & Traits

General Overview Serious due to years of conflict, but has a loud and friendly side when comfortable. He struggles to fully let his guard down, but is actively trying to improve.
Strengths & Weaknesses Survivalist; he uses gear until it is completely destroyed, not wanting to waste a thing. Has trouble keeping things tidy, but has an excellent sense for navigation. Loves women and drink, but taking a break from the latter after avoiding a depressive spiral. Still bitter towards Cardassians. Was a great soldier, but feels he isn’t good for much else.
Ambitions Wants to make a difference in the galaxy. Would like to captain a ship one day to keep people safe from incursions. Would like to settle on Bajor after his many encounters with bajorans.
Hobbies & Interests Ancient history/ Xeno archeology fascinates him! His home world had ruins from long extinct people that grabbed his imagination as a young boy. He enjoys listening to music from different cultures, not a musician but an enthusiast.

Personal History Born on a colony world near the Cardassian border, Silvo grew up during the border conflicts. After the DMZ was established, Cardassian settlers came and took his family’s home by force. He joined the Maquis, feeling betrayed by the Federation’s inaction. As the Maquis grew more desperate, he became less comfortable with their methods, and left the movement along with many others. They formed their own small band and continued to harass the Cardassians until the arrival of the Dominion. Silvo’s band of rebels reached out to the Federation and were offered the chance to serve as privateers in exchange for exoneration for their rebellion. He fought in many skirmishes and battles both in space and on the ground. After the war was over he had developed a respect for Star Fleet and joined after his exoneration, being fast tracked by Tactical Command to fill the many spaces left from the brutal conflict.
Service Record Served in several large engagements against the Dominion and their allies. Fought alongside Star Fleet officers and saw them give their lives to protect the quadrant.