Ensign Ryela Alroyo

Name Ryela Alroyo

Position Flight Control Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 150 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Alroyo is a fit and well put together woman, often trying her best to look up to code while on duty. She keeps her hair up in a ponytail as she works, often letting a few strands loose. Despite being a rookie, she carries herself with a confident attitude but still keeps herself open to feedback. Her facial features can be described as sharp, and off duty she loves to experiment with makeup.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Francis Giordano (step father)
Mother Ryela Caira
Brother(s) and / or Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Growing up in Starfleet Alroyo has always had a strong sense of morals and is very proud of them. Often feeling very passionate about politics and doing the right thing. Because of this she can get hot headed when she sees herself in the right. Alroyo did however grow up being taught to respect the Chain of Command, and looks up to those senior to her with respect.
She is a very friendly person and tries her best to get along with everyone. The bonds she makes in her life mean a lot to her and she will always make sure she's there for those she considers friends.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Alroyo is very loyal to those in her crew and will always be willing to aid them in anything
- She is very skilled at piloting, able to do maneuvers with ease and calculate the proper movements necessary to complete flight paths
- Her confidence in her own skills at piloting helps her remain mostly cool during intense moments, keeping a clear head so she can think properly

- Alroyo is very passionate about her ideals and opinions, making her very hard to budge once she has made up her mind.
- Even though she is very confident in her abilities, she can lose that confidence once in a situation that is outside her realm of knowledge.
Ambitions Due to her looking up to her stepfather who served in Starfleet, and receiving help from Starfleet growing up, Alroyo feels a strong connection to it and decided at a young age she'd join and give to others what Starfleet gave to her. Once she was old enough she joined up and intended to become a pilot. She hopes to use this position to learn all she can, and eventually work her way to a command position.
Hobbies & Interests - Alroyo loves to listen to music, particularly Earth music from the late 20th century and early 21st thanks to her stepdads record collection.
- She loves fiction and has tons of holodeck programs to live out different fictional stories in her free time.
- Her religion means a lot to her, her mother made sure to teach her Bajoran customs and the religion. She loves to visit Bajor on pilgrimages with her family.
- Alroyo loves fashion, and when not on duty she will spend her time building outfits based off of the current trends buzzing around the galaxy.

Personal History Ryela Alroyo was born on Bajor in the Kendra province where her father Ryela Galya worked as a farmer while her mother, Ryala Caira worked as a medic. Sadly, before she was born her father had passed away due to a farming equipment accident. It was just her and her mother until she was 10, when her mother met and eventually married a Starfleet officer, Lieutenant Francis Giordano. He had been working as a science officer aboard a Nova Class doing planetary surveys in the Gamma Quadrant, but he'd regularly stop on Bajor before going on missions where they would meet and date for two years and then got married. After marriage, Alroyo and her new father Francis became very close, she was quick to accept him and loved to hear stories of his adventures in Starfleet, even if they were just planetary surveys. Eventually he got a new posting to work on Earth and he moved with Caira and Alroyo to California where Alroyo fell in love with Earth and it's diversity, showing the true diversity of the Federation and the opportunities it open to everyone.
While growing up in California, she would regularly visit landing areas to talk to pilots and their journeys throughout the galaxy. This would fill her with a wanderlust that mixed with her admiration for her Step-Father caused her to join the academy once she was old enough. There she made plenty of friends and discovered her love for fashion after taking multiple art classes as an elective.
At the academy she studied to be a pilot and working on said spacecrafts. She eventually ended up joining a squadron and there learned how to pilot personal crafts with sharp efficiency.
After four years she graduated and was ready for her first assignment.
Service Record In Progress