Lieutenant Hadrian Marcus

Name Hadrian Tiberias Marcus

Position Assistant Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 180
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Marcus is muscular of build, with a large Romanesque nose that was broken and sits slightly to the left. He wears his hair short in the Roman style.


Spouse N/a (divorced- Helena)
Children Theo Tiberias Marcus (5)
Father Antonius Tiberias Marcus
Mother Ophilia Athena Marcus
Brother(s) and / or Sister(s) Julia Aphrodite Marcus (35), Darius Maximus Marcus (30), Octavian Trajan Marcus (23)
Other Family n/a

Personality & Traits

General Overview Hadrian is a very efficient in his work, calm, and with a dry wit.
Strengths & Weaknesses His greatest strength is that he is calm thanks to his nature and decades of studying Stoicism. He's also kind and outgoing.

His greatest weakness is that he comes from a culture in the Federation but not of it. He doesn't always emotionally or instinctually get other Federation cultures, being oddly more comfortable with non-Federation cultures.
Ambitions Command. He would like to command an explorer ship.
Hobbies & Interests Hadrian is fascinated with other cultures as well as their martial histories. He has a collection of weapons and holodeck combat programs from iron-age to modern.

Hadrian also loves to cook and host dinners. He is an enthusiastic cook if not an accomplished cook.

Personal History Hadrian attended the Magna Roman Defense Institute (their version of Starfleet Academy) when he was sixteen. He was posted to a colony world, Nova Iberia, where he ended up as the colony's Chief Tactical Officer. He led a task force to rout some Orion pirates that included non-Roman colonies and he became fascinated by the Federation ("Despite the fact it can't possibly work, it works rather well."). When he was 26, he decided to leave Magna Rome for Starfleet, a decision that ended his marriage.
Service Record
When he was 26, Hadrian was an exchange officer on the USS Campbell, a Nova-class ship. He received a commendation for bravery and participated in a first contact. When the exchange was over, he returned to Magna Roma and applied to Starfleet Academy. Graduating as the oldest cadet in his class, had a reputation for being 'like an uncle' to his fellow cadets.

Hadrian served on the USS Renegade, a New Orleans-class ship, and fought Klingons, Cardassians, and the Dominion. He received two medals for bravery.