Lieutenant Commander Christopher Foyle

Name Christopher Foyle

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Lanthanite
Age 1342

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4
Weight 125
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Large, well built for a middle aged Lanthanite always wearing a suit and tie no matter what role he takes making sure to display rank and com badge on the jacket. A few scars from the incident on the Zodiac


Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a hard headed person with a reputation for doing everything in his power to win, though he occasionally takes heat for his decisions. Fiercely loyal and a highly competitive man, focusing tightly on what needs to be done to get the job done in a way that minimises casualties. He has a headstrong aggressive tendency to occasionally disobey orders he thinks are nuts or outright dangerous.
Strengths & Weaknesses S – Fiercely loyal person who takes pride in being loyal to his commanding officer and the crew
W - Quite a shy person

Personal History Foyle was born in a medical colony, after his parents were killed by separatist insurgents a few months after. He was picked up by an aid ship after the aftermath and was taken to New Sunset colony where Foyle spent his days growing up and living within the city. A freighter heading to its next stop, Earth Christopher, decided to hitch a lift and leave this dump for good, taking a large chest with him and a bag he hopped aboard the freighter bound for the new world. Earth was a magical place with brand new sights, colours and smells to explore as the freighter landed in a place called San Francisco, a place Foyle had never been. He spent a year here before joining a new fangled organisation called Starfleet

Foyle decided to join this new venture called Starfleet and explore the stars. He was given a booklet from one of the offices in town to decide what field the young Lanthanite would take as a career path. Flying seemed like a cool way to see the stars and explore the strange new wonders that awaited him in the vast universe and beyond. It was 4 years of hard work and training at the academy to graduate near the top of his class to then be assigned to the new Columbia class of ships.

Christopher had a year off of leave after the academy before the Endeavour was ready to accept its new crew he had been assigned to as a lonely ensign. He spent the better part of the endeavours exploring brand new places and things enhancing his knowledge with every step taken, the crew being wonderful friends also making brand new ones too. The ship ended its career for the time being docking back at earth He could see the shiny new class tempting him to transfer over. The Daedalus class was one ugly looking thing but was the state of the art ship at the time with all the shiny new bells and whistles to its name. The Zheng He was spelt out on the front of the weird like orb thing it also came with a promotion since its commanding officer was desperate for a good helmsman having not yet received the department and its staff as it was due to leave in a couple of days on its shakedown before it's important mission

Lieutenant JG Foyle look splendent in his new uniform clutching his trunk in one hand the bag on his back and the transfer orders in the other Christopher stepped off the endeavour onto the station turning around to look out through the large window next to the airlock and waved goodbye to the old gal as it had been fun travelling the galaxy in her and also missing the friends he had made along the way. Foyle strolled over to a desk further down handed the officer the pad and was directed to the shuttle bay where a young ensign was directing traffic noticing the shiny new shuttles and the commotion going on he stride up to the officer presenting the pad and then getting directed to a nearby shuttle pod that was bound for the new ship with more crew onboard. A CMO introduced herself as doctor Ward, a human female (she and the rest of the crew would be killed in 2271 with the loss of the ship).

Foyle served from 2170 to 2215 within that time he became chief helmsman aboard the Zheng He enjoyed every moment of the time aboard the ship and making even more friends. The captain being one of the best and nicest so far in his career making this his second ship to be served on gave him some sense of pride to be serving on a new class and being the face of Starfleet out in the galaxy. Foyle yearned for more challenges with his career. He would leave the ship in 2215 joining the ranger class USS Carolina staying on board that until again going from helmsman to chief helmsman and gaining the rank of lieutenant being proud of the new rank Christopher wore with pride and dignity. He was transferred by Starfleet to the USS Nebraska, a discovery class scout ship but didn't really enjoy it as chief helmsman.

The Nebraska was boring and lifeless in its role as a scout ship. Which did not challenge Foyle at all or give him excitement to even do his job to the fullest. Commanded by Commander Drake Pride Foyle regarded him as a useless pile of junk and way too pushy, even endangering the lives of his crew for nothing. He took a break from Starfleet in 2280 when he decided Starfleet didn't have any new postings for a while so why not take an extended break and return when Starfleet has openings on other ships instead of being side-lined for rubbish mission on a vessel that wasn't even worth the metal it was constructed with.

Christopher floated around Earth for a while exploring its wonders with a former Nebraska crewmember he became friends with. They enjoyed exploring various states within the USA seeing monuments and fantastic scenery whilst sampling the local food he left halfway through to return to duty aboard a new ship to leave Foyle alone to explore further. Foyle ended up bumping into the old crew that gave him a lift all those years ago and decided to join the ECS Normandie crew still retaining his Lieutenant rank but taking over as Executive Officer when the last one was killed when pirates crippled the freighter. He told the captain if he ever got an opening on a ship he would transfer from the ship which the captain was cool with. Later he left the crew to re-join Starfleet who had stipulated he had to go through academy again this time choosing Operations

After graduating Foyle was demoted to LTJG and re-joined back into the flow with a posting on the Vancouver as an operations officer rising to second officer towards the end of the posting. Foyle had been hand picked from a recommendation given to the co of the Vancouver by an old buddy of his now serving on this ship and had seen promise in Christopher. After a while serving on the ship he was given the opportunity to become second officer for a short stint before moving with his friend to the Typhoon.

The Zodiac was a fine ship and had history behind it which gave him something to look forward to being part of. It was a fun ship with a quirky crew and a quirky way of doing things on a Centaur class again he was familiar with this class and its quirks and niggles. It only lasted 3 years as he still has the memory of that fateful night in question firmly planted in his mind. During a mission we were tasked with patrolling a certain sector of space when all hell broke loose and remembering being thrown across the bridge as the ship was hit. He can still smell the fumes and smoke fondly and the cries from various bridge crew including the CO and XO for assistance to which once on his feet ran to the assistance of the CO to which he lay dying in Christopher’s arms as the medical officer pronounced him dead along with the XO and other bridge crew being taken away on stretchers. Foyle remembers getting the courage and strength to take command and try and save everyone to which he fondly remembers yelling out commands to the remaining bridge crew whilst the bridge exploded and fell apart around him. Eventually the situation got to the point of no hope and he had to muster up the courage and put his feelings to one side as a tear ran down his bloody sweaty face and pushed the button using all his strength to muster the abandon ship command. Limping off the bridge and into the nearest life pod he watched as the ship was torn apart piece by piece by the ruthless enemy foe.

The Incident with the Zodiac didn't go unnoticed within the command back home but despite the heroism and bravery Foyle showed nobody seemed excited about it Starfleet decided to give me some awards at a ceremony but even though my actions were brave in saving most of the crew they decided to demote me. Foyle had acted bravely and stepped up on the face of losing odds to save the crew rather than abandoned the ship Starfleet still decided to punish him why he would never know

The New Denmark colony was possibly one of Foyle's longest postings in his career so far. On the recommendations of a best friend he had now and had been for a while to be posted here as his executive officer but Starfleet instead of demoting me to just LTJG they decided to almost like stabbing someone in the back and demoted me to ensign. My best friend was a Danish lad who had come from a diplomatic career in Starfleet to the wishes of his government to command a new colony on the planet now christened said name. It lasted the super long stint before it started falling apart with rioting and all out chaos it was decided by his government to hightail it on Copenhagen and abandon the colony to fend for itself. This failure led to Foyles next posting chief operations officer and executive officer on the ship we both had fled the colony on the USS Copenhagen an intrepid class starship on scientific and diplomatic missions for the Danish government which lasted from 2346 until 2356 when the pair of them parted ways onto new and better ventures. The Government after the failure of the crew promoted the pair of us Foyle from the ensign Starfleet had kicked him to to now a lieutenant and his best friend commander

Alberta was a more relaxed placement after the whole colony saga and then Copenhagen, got on with the job and enjoyed the posting. The Alberta was a fun and exciting career change from the norm and being fast paced and super interesting missions kept Christopher interested and enthusiastic about them. Being the chief operations officer and second officer was a big step up for the tiny ship where everyone had to double up. The next ship came a long and it was not long before the chief operations officer was back on his own footing back onboard the border cutters once more within a sabre class vessel. He enjoyed being back to where he felt comfortable being and got on with the job excelling to the best he could be. Foyle enjoyed the Exeter but loathed for more responsibility and a bigger crew to have around him to boss around but the next posting soon came along and he was whisked away to yet another colony posting, He was placed onto the New Holland colony outpost replacing the previous XO who had contracted a fatal disease and had died.

The New Holland colony posting was a step backwards but was still an enjoyable place to be. Foyle was now a LT CMDR having been promoted on the Exeter serving the colony honourably and with passion excelling at the job. New Holland was the second colony posting of his career and seemed like the normal sliding back into colony life was easy enough for the lieutenant commander to get into. The support vessel the Oslo had seen better days as a starship and was falling apart being kept together with almost super glue and duct tape it was quite worse for ware but still did it job when required
Service Record 1024-1026 Medical Colony
1026-2150 New Sunset Colony
2150-2151 San Francisco, Earth
2151-2152 General Studies Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2152-2153 Flight Control Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2153-2154 Flight Control Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2154-2155 Flight Control Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2155-2156 Y-ENS, Leave of Absence
2156-2170 Y-ENS, Helmsman, Endeavour
2170-2200 R-LTJG Helmsman, USS Zheng He
2200-2215 R-LTJG, Chief Helmsman, USS Zheng He
2215-2240 R-LTJG, Helmsman, USS Carolina
2240-2267 R-LT, Chief Helmsman, USS Carolina
2267-2280 R-LT, Chief Helmsman, USS Nebraska
2280-2303 Leave of Absence
2303-2307 LT, Executive Officer, ECS Normandie
2307-2308 General Studies Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2308-2309 Operations Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2309-2310 Operations Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2310-2311 Operations Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2311-2316 Y-LTJG, Operations Officer, USS Vancouver
2316-2318 Y-LTJG, Second Officer, USS Vancouver
2316-2321 Y-LTJG, Operations Officer, USS Typhoon
2321-2326 Y-LTJG, Operations Officer, USS Alberta
2326-2329 R-LT, Helm Officer, USS Zodiac
2329 Medal of Honor, Starfleet Medal of Valor, Silver Palm with Cluster, Federation Citation of Honor
2339-2346 Y-ENS, Executive Officer, New Denmark Colony
2346-2356 Y-LT, Chief Operations Officer/Executive Officer, USS Copenhagen
2356-2361 Y-LT, Chief Operations Officer/Second Officer, USS Alberta
2361-2363 Y-LTCMDR Chief Operations Officer, USS Exeter
2363-2376 Y-LTCMDR Executive Officer, New Holland Colony