Ensign Skyler Tryon

Name Skyler Tryon

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 101 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall, thin, smart.


Spouse Hawkeye Tryon
Children Nicole Tryon
Father Ben Logan
Mother Ciara Logan
Brother(s) and / or Sister(s) N/A only child

Personality & Traits

General Overview While she was a child she didn't go to work. Her parents didn't allow it. They only allowed her to go to starfleet academy. Once she started there, she got her degree for science.
Strengths & Weaknesses Her Strengths is that she likes having black coffee and earl grey tea. She likes to have friends that don't backstab her and willing to help them when needed.

Her weaknesses is that the fact that she doesn't like people that backstabs her, or not even having her morning coffee or tea.
Ambitions Her ambitions are to read a book in the holo-deck. Go on the holo-deck and creating her own story or favorite place. She is someone who likes to be alone or hanging out with a few people.
Hobbies & Interests Her hobbies and interests are to go on the holodeck and creating her own story or favorite place. Although, she is also a little romantic.

Personal History Her personal history is that she didn't really do much of things and the fact that she went through the academy for four years and she then went to the academy. While she was in the academy, she was got her degree in the science field and made her parents proud. Starfleet assigned her to the USS Wayfarer.
Service Record Academy 4 years and passed with good grades top of her class.