Lieutenant George Meridian

Name George Meridian

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 6’1”
Weight 182 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Aqua
Physical Description George is tall and lean, and likes to keep himself fit. If he is to give people advice on staying healthy, he needs to practice what he preaches.
Usually sports a short goatee, but prefers to be clean shaven.


Father Harrison Meridian
Mother Esther Meridian

Personality & Traits

General Overview Geroge is very friendly and loves people which was a major reason for his choice of profession.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Is an incredibly capable doctor, but Geroge is a very balanced individual with a fantastic combination of physical and mental strength.

Weaknesses: George doesn't like the word impossible. If there is a way to do something, he will surely figure it out. He does love to be in charge, taking every opportunity he can to sit in the captain's chair or play leader.
Ambitions He hopes to emulate his heroes, James T Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard, and become a famous Starfleet Captain one day.
Hobbies & Interests Usually found enjoying a drink in the officer’s mess, looking for lady friends, or portraying protagonists in holodeck adventures.

Personal History Born on Earth, George Meridian was always fascinated with space exploration. When he was in school, his head was always filled with dreams of the stars. He wanted to join Starfleet since he was ten, but also felt a huge pull towards medicine. Facinated with the records of the adventures of the famous Captain James Kirk and Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the legendary Enterprise vessels, it made him want to join even more. After being admitted into the academy when he was 18, George seriously devoted his life to Starfleet. Graduating in the top 15 of his class, George entered Starfleet Medical and completed his medical degree three years later.

George hadn't seen actual duty on a starship until the position for a Medical Officer on the USS Oxford opened up. Quickly proving himself as a capable and determined officer, he was promoted and transferred to the USS Harbinger. This in turn led him to earning a spot on the USS Amal as its Chief Medical Officer.

George takes his duties in starfleet very seriously but he also knows not to over work himself. He can usually be found enjoying a drink in the officer’s mess, looking for lady friends, or portraying protagonists in holodeck adventures.
Service Record Starfleet Academy

USS Oxford
Ensign - Medical Officer

USS Harbinger
Lieutenant JG - Assistant Chief Medical Officer

USS Amal
Lieutenant - Chief Medical Officer